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Possibly the most out there ski theory I have EVER heard


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  • Baller

How many people have ever heard of a concept that says that you can turn with so much angle out of the buoy that you ski "away" from the boat. To clarify (when I heard this I had to have him repeat this 3 times because it made no sense in my head)- your ski is pointed behind you and you are creating more space between you and the boat.


I have my thoughts about this. That said, when your tail turns past the tip of the ski isnt that when you blow out the ski? Has anyone else heard of this?

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  • Baller_

Sure. This happens all the time. The result will either be the handle being slimgshot'd at the boat crew, the skier breaking forward so bad that he won't have a prayer of making it to the next buoy, or if he can hang on the only chance he will have is to stop the boat (my $ will be on ZO).


If you want to be a decent slalom skier this is a really bad idea, unless I totally misunderstood your question.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

Yes! It is called "smear"ing. :)

Okay, serious answer now @ilivetoski, I agree with what was said before. While it may look look you are cranking that ski around, it is simply an illusion. Like @Wish showed from Adam, the angle is so much less than what it feels like. Here is an excellent video that shows it up close--and the music is cherry as well. Look at T gas on turn 4 and then look at how far he travels down course thru the turn, even though it looks as if he is turning completely horizontal to the boat.



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  • Baller

Was I coaching you? Actually I say things like that all the time. Not expecting you to actually turn away from the boat but just to push the turn angle as aggressively as you can. It works in rare cases. More people overturn (so I have to bring out the coordinates lesson). If you happen to overturn so much that the tail is further downcourse than the tip, you'd better have great body position to absorb the extra force needed to get the ski aiming in an appropriate direction.

Still it can be a useful coaching tool.


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  • Baller
@dreski32 I completely disagree with this and when the person told me this they lost all credibility in my mind. The problem was when he told it to a bunch of skiers this weekend, and apparently some of them believed him. You know when you wanna give the panda to someone in real life? It was that times 1000.
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  • Baller
If the ski where to be able to point beyond perpendicular (which it absolutely cannot) then the only force accelerating it would cease to exist and you would sink into the water. An alternate theory is that the ski would try and cut backwards. Either way you aren't running the pass. In reality you arms would no longer be part of your body.
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  • Baller
@richarddoane I dont listen to him. Half the time I hear him talking to others I think why am I not throwing a ski at him? Other ideas of his are- the slalom course is different deminsions buoy to buoy. 1-2 is not the same as 3-4 and thats not the same at 5-6. I could go on all day about things I have heard from him.
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  • Baller_
Oh those guys are fun to listen to. Woulda been a waist of a good ski to thow it at him. No no no, you must add to this thread these nuggets of slaloming knoledge as entertaining as they are. ..... 1-2 is not the same as 3-4.... That's priceless. Keepm coming.
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  • Baller
@ilivetoski. Does he post here? And if so, what is his name. (We want to give him some feedback). And if not, why would anyone listen to him. When I look for a coach, I insist they are a ball of spray certified smart ass.....errrr coach!
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  • Baller

@mattP He can run 32 off. You know who this is. He has relations with Jodi.


@Brady no he does not post on here. All of my coaches know him and said I should never, under any circumstances, listen to him. Even my dad who really dosent know much about coaching and ski technique etc. said for it to go in one ear and out another.

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  • Baller
The correlation between someone's coaching ability and skiing ability is relatively low. I know some good skiers that are terrible coaches and vice versa. One of these good skier/terrible coach types was recently trying to "educate" an up and coming skier. The "coach" offered to go into more depth about his slalom theory at a later time. After the "coach" left, I told the new guy, "Here's the best advice I can give you about your skiing, don't ever listen to a word that guy says!"
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  • Baller
So, let me get this one part straight.....this guy thinks the dimensions of the course is different between 1-2 and 3-4' etc? This course of "his" is really magical. It changes dimensions based on the direction he's skiing I guess. He should really take a look at a rule book just once in his life. Seriously, this guy knows so little he must be a real comedy show to be around. Please, @Ilivetoski‌, keep these nuggets coming. We all need a good laugh regularly.
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