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Potential headquarters move to Auburndale, Fl.


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  • Baller_

There is an interesting discussion on another website about an impending move of USAWS headquarters, the museum, etc. Here is what I have learned:


I've spoken with a reliable source regarding the move. To summarize, this looks like a great move for USAWS and the USA-WS Foundation on many levels.


1. At the time the "NAPA Building" opened, USAWS entered into a lease for its current space. There were more (combined USAWS and Foundation) employees at the time, and the space was needed. The lease committed them to a long term fixed rent at then market prices. Since then, the number of staffers has reduced (eight at USAWS; one and two interns at the foundation) and the need for space diminished by about half. Rents have changed, and the current rent is​ more than current market price. The lease binds USAWS until the NAPA Building is sold. The lease was negotiated by a prior board. While it may be a poor deal today, the current board and current staff inherited the problem, they didn't create it. Continuing the current lease is a bad deal for USAWS.


2. There is a buyer for the NAPA building, allowing USAWS to terminate its lease which will allow for funds spent over a decade ago to be recuperated.


3. The new building, which will again be owned by the foundation, will be paid for with funds raised by the foundation from outside sources, and presumably with some or all of the NAPA sale proceeds. There will be no cost to membership and no membership fund raising required.


4. The foundation will operate a cable park and water ski facility at the Myrtle Lake Sports Complex in Auburndale, FL., about 11 miles from the current HQ. A ski shop, ski school, ski shows, pro (and presumably non-pro) events, and similar activities are proposed with the idea that the proceeds will raise additional revenue for the foundation. The location is both high traffic and high visibility, and much closer to "civilization" than Polk City, with potential for much greater exposure for the museum and foundation amenities.


5. The cable park will be under construction soon. The foundation office building will open in about a year.


6. If USAWS moves to this facility, and I take it that this decision has not yet been made, rent will be substantially less. If they do not move to the new foundation building, they are free to move to other, much more cost effective space at a location of their choosing. Either way, a huge, unnecessary financial burden will be lifted from USAWS's shoulders, allowing it to hire additional staff, if needed, expand programs, reduce dues, build a capital fund, or do other things that financially sound businesses can do.


7. Although the primary recipient of the benefits derived from selling the NAPA building will fall to the building's owner - the foundation - the sale unshackles USAWS from a bad deal and opens the door back to fiscal balance and business success. Since it was the foundation's decision to sell its building, it wasn't USAWS's decision of whether to move or stay. The decision was made for them and a great decision it was. This default situation, however, explains why USAWS did not raise the issue with the membership prior to moving forward. There was nothing to discuss: the building is under contract to be sold and they have to find new digs. End of discussion.


8. Since posting this report on the other site, I have heard from person who was affiliated with the foundation at the time the current HQ and Lake Grew were developed. Let it suffice to say that there are those that see the financial situation differently and who think that USAWS could do a better job carrying its share of the financial weight. While there is likely a lot of merit to this view (as there are always two sides to a story), USAWS's "failure" or inability to "carry its weight" are again not the fault of current staff or management and the solutions are uncertain. How do we grow membership? How do we become more profitable? These are easy questions, but the answers are very difficult. Based on what I have seen, however, the current USAWS board and staff know the problem exists and are working very hard to answer the questions, solve the problems and renew the vitality of USAWS. The tenor of several of the posts on the other site blame HQ staff for all the problems, real and perceived. I think that is unfair and unfounded. I think the current staff are a good bunch and I trust them to do their best.


9. I have no opinion regarding the claims of mismanagement by prior staff or boards of either the foundation or USAWS. I wasn't there, I didn't participate in the process and all I can do now is Monday Morning Quarterback and second guess decisions made by others. While in the current economic climate and with membership numbers down, it is fair to say that the deal negotiated years ago, while perhaps very good at the time, is no longer a good deal. That isn't mismanagement; that is just how the chips fall. I am inclined to think the best of people and their motivations and decisions until someone proves to me the contrary. I haven't seen that here at all.


John Wilkins

Lake Placid, NY/Celebration, FL.


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I have heard these rumors and am looking for my own source before I comment on the move.


I will say that there are MANY who agree the the cost of the rent for USAWS is ludicrous for what we need. The few people who I have faith in => make me hesitant to say much about how totally mismanaged I think the whole organization is. Worse there are so many versions of every issue I no idea with the truth is behind some of the more glaring failures within the organization.

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  • Baller

Go to your region's winter meeting. Most regions have them in January. Voice your opinion there or through your council person who votes at the regional meeting. AWSA Headquarters employees do not make decisions. The board whom we elect makes decisions. HQ personnel follow/enact the board's decisions. At least that's my understanding. If we blame AWSA for anything, we are blaming ourselves.


Don Butcher

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  • Baller

Noting the post above about wind. Given the site width, it may need 2 SL courses: one on the

East side and one on the West side. Will be interesting to integrate a cable park there, if there

is also a setup for Traditional skiing, esp. a jump ramp there.

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I just read some "notes" about the whole thing. More or less the same thing @lpskier‌ already said.


From what I can tell the current location of HQ is a huge money pit that we are locked into until the building is sold. Who ever penned the original deal 14 years ago is long gone (I do not know who it was nor does it matter today). If and when we get out of the current building and the silly rent the association will be financially way better off.

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