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Prop for 2007 Nautique 196?


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  • Supporting Member

Looks like I need a new prop, which is a new experience for me. I'm getting some real bad vibration both in the hole shot and at speed. (I guess I hope it's the prop; other possibilities seem a lot worse!)


My dealer can get me one eventually, but I might be interested in expediting one. Recommendations?

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Call Jim Thelen at Acme propellers - Tell him you need a new prop for a 196 that you use only for slalom skiing and he will send you one out for like $200 less then the dealership charges and it will be a better prop and it will be faster, best of all worlds!
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  • Supporting Member

Oh, I should have mentioned: This prop had a ding and was repaired over the winter, but has ended up noticeably worse.


It's surprisingly awkward for me to get the boat out of the water (tiny tunnel, horrible ramp, trailer buried under crap in my garage, I'm a wuss), so I haven't visually inspected the prop yet.

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  • Baller

It could be the prop is not seated properly on the shaft.


Last year I bought a new old stock Acme prop for my 200. It came with installation instructions (and I actually read them). Manual says to use a lapping compound on the mated surfaces to get a good seat. I didn't have any lapping compound, but had some rubbing compound (any light abrasive compound will work). Put the rubbing compound on the shaft and put the prop on without the slot key. Rotating the prop on the shaft allows the to surfaces to mate properly. No vibration after that.

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  • Baller
Last I knew Skip's number is 863-605-0340. Email is skipnjanet@aol.com. 422 is what you want. Not the first time I've heard of a repair facility making an ACME worse tryin to fix a small ding. CNC machined you know.
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  • Baller_
So far I have found General Propeller south of Tampa the best repair outfit for the ACME stuff. but most of the time it is better just to throw the damaged ACME in the scrap bin and get another. Oj 428 is a great replacement for the 422 and will hold up better to light strikes that would other wise obliterate the ACME.
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  • Baller

www.PropMD.com for repairs. If your local shop doesn't have a spin balancer then it is a crap shoot if the prop will be right when you get it back. They are local to me, but their shipment options are pretty decent.


If anyone is throwing damaged Acmes in the scrap bin I would be more than happy to pay to have them shipped to me ;)


This is the one they fixed for me last year and it is perfect




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