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Backing Nautique 196


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  • Baller
Has anyone tried backing a 196 40ft straight ? Not easy task ! It's not often that I go to public lake and deal with Joe Wally. But we do like the occasional trip. So two lane ramp with docks in each outer side . Boats parked on both inner side. Backing up Nautique straight in bad wind was a challenge. Oh course all it wanted to do was go left. The dock expert Wally of course was trying to give me advice and didn't understand why I had to bump it forward a handful of times straiten her out. Then suggested I throw him my bow line ! I laughed of course and said don't worry guy I got it. Don't have a dock line anyway. He looked at me shocked and said " what do you mean you don't have a dock line ?" I said I don't have one , it's s ski boat I don't need one or have one. Too funny ! Gottalove the dock wallies.
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  • Baller
When we used to go to public lakes, we would ski early, as most of us do. After skiing and loading our boat, sometimes we would just park and walk back down to the ramp area, open a beer and be entertained. Bit usually the best entertainment would be at the end of the day, with the "loaded up" wallets loading up.
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  • Baller
You can do it but you have to go real slow. Click it in to gear and out and the drifting while not under power will straighten it out. If you give it too much gas it will go in the direction the prop turns.
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