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Bad week, equipment wise


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  • Baller

So, when TSA "inspects" your ski, they take it out of your coffin travel bag, take it out of its brand new Performance neoprene sleeve, with fin protector, then they drag it, fin down on the concrete. p4kc36hnzr07.jpg

Ok, so now that we know TSA policy, we deal with family issues. I hid my damn Tail 41's for a reason. This, my friends and Ballers, is why. The only time anyone other than myself has ever used my gloves. EVER.



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  • Baller
Yep, @Bill22 anyone counted the fingers on my right glove? Anyone remember the discussion on our favorite piece of equipment, other than our ski? I sent that to my cousin, so there is documented proof that he broke my favorite thing. Mostly to mess with him. Mostly
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  • Baller
@aupatking yeah, I never like it when I have friends that don't ski much out on the boat and they ask to use my gloves. Gloves are something you just don't want to share. Now I keep an old pair on the boat for everyone else.
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Whoever that was that destroyed those gloves must be a beast. I would make him ski everyday this week as punishment. Then this weekend when we go to the event in Tuscaloosa he (I) can buy you new gloves. Fwiw, this is why I never let anybody ever even put on my roadracing gloves..
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  • Baller

@art90notch there's a reason you guys didn't see those gloves until I put them on. Let's go to T-Town and watch those guys do it right. It may have been time for some new ones anyway. I have a feeling they'll have enough gear there for a threat of divorce.

In the meantime, we're putting in an afternoon set. I've made a minor fin adjustment to my Vapor, because I can't believe how reediculous that old A1 ran for me Monday night.

@mwetskier he could have, at least left his finger in it. Then I couldn't bee too mad. Well, yeah, I'd still be mad.

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