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Reflex binding question


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I just got reflex double boots with white cuffs (always been a double boot skier and didn't want to try R style yet). I have not skied on them yet but it feels like the flexion strap on the rear boot will not give me the flexibility I need to be over the front of

the ski. Seems like I should remove it from the rear boot so I can move my rear chin more. Thoughts? Thanks

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  • Baller
Limiting the flex of your boots is not the answer, as long as your leg/ankle cannot move past 45 degrees, there is little danger of injury. Double boots require consideration of ankle to ankle distance. Flexibility of the rear foot is a huge issue in performance.

Mike's Overall Binding

USA Water Ski  Senior Judge   Senior Driver   Senior Tech Controller


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@Rico226 thanks for the tip. That adjustment made quite a bit of difference.

@Andre I have seen lots of pictures on line of skiers wearing double reflex and I saw Terry Winter using them at last years California Pro Am. I will find out tomorrow if I like them.

Thanks for everyone's comments.

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  • Baller

@dude - I tried the double reflex setup, could not ski with them, I need some lift on my back foot and that was impossible with the the double setup - ended with r-style, perfect in my opinion.


@Andre - Last time I saw Thierry Malhoume he was skiing with the double reflex setup

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