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Skiing after shoulder injury


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My daughter (13) dislocated her shoulder in April, causing her months of shoulder instability, physical therapy and tons of pain. After an MRI w/ Contrast the doctor finally cleared her to ski on Wednesday. Being the ski nut she is, she has been dying to get back on the water. Being her dad I need some tips to get her back to where she was. I took her out skiing on Thursday, and she ran some 32 mph 28 offs but she still doesn't trust her shoulder on her one hand pulls. 2/4/6 is her dominant arm... Any tips??
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  • Baller
Been there done that with both shoulders, both have been surgically rebuilt. Rehab, rehab, rehab, and don't push it too hard too soon. Keep her doing the rehab exercises and add in additional shoulder strengthening exercises to build the muscles as she's able to do that.
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I am assuming from your post she did not have surgery. Unfortunatly many adolescents who dislocate have A Bankart lesion which is a lesion of the anterior part of the glenoid labrum of the shoulder. This predisposes to instability and repeat dislocation. Another factor which can play a role is genetic ligamentous laxity. This is easily tested for using a series of physical exam tests known as the Beighton score. The teen with a Bankart lesion in a demanding sport often needs a labral repair to regain stability, especially if they dislocate a second time. The ligamentously lax do not benefit from surgery but do benefit from PT to maximize stability from the shoulder stabilizers. Get a consult from a sports med doc who can sort this out for you/her. Shoulders and their mechanics are very complex and waterskiing places some very unique demands upon them. I have cleared many football players to play with SAWA but i would worry about the under strap getting caught on the water in out sport. The Goode PowerVest is intriguing but I am not aware of its value in preventing dislocation with abduction and external rotation, but it might reduce traction forces inline. Anyway, get expert help is my best advice; from a shoulder sports med doc who hopefully understands water skiing.
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from my physio wife - note this is data on males under 18... - don't push it, strengthen the crap out of it. the data shows there is an 80% chance of re doing the injury for (males under 18).... so strength, strength, strength and maybe some "social" skis to build confidence until her performance gets better. she used a whole lot of other big words that I cant spell. But hey you've seen the specialists - do what they say (if they understand what skiing involves)
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