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Connelly Stealth's, HELP!


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I hope some kind Baller will save my @rse!

so I've had a drama, please see photos..

Firstly: Has anyone ever seen this? Snapped through carbon?!

About a year old and treasured.


These bindings are always covered and looked after, I adore them!!!

got to the end of the pass and felt strange, looked down and boom my worst fears.

I've got comps coming up and I've not got a spare and no one has them in the UK!

I've seen a few pairs on SIA but no one gets back to me, possibly because I'm in the UK??


I've found a pair in H2o but they are away until the 19th at nationals, if anyone sees them/knows them, a gentle nudge for them to pick up my email, I would appreciate it! If anyone knows of a size 10 RFF lurking around and happy to ship to the UK please message me: jasonmjbrown@gmail.com


If anyone knows the sales guys at h2o that could give them a heads up. I promise where ever you are next time I'm over, I'll drive by and get you a beer!!










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@MattP I tried last time to go direct but they wouldn't sell to me because of licensing laws it was such a frustrating nightmare just to get spares for the releases/plates. I didn't envision that i would need spare boots. In the UK those boots cost 1000 bucks, U.S. 600.

I'm so desperate I'd spend double just to get a set but UK has none. Everything has to come from the US and it's so slow.


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Looks like the boys at H2o have come through for me!!

They've got a few pairs so I'll be having those.

I must say I've dealt with them a handful of times and they have ALWAYS been on point!!

Always a great service.. Well recommended!!

Question being if Stealths are being discontinued what's replacing them???




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