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Short Review for New Skis

Stevie Boy

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  • Baller
I think it is an access problem. Most mortals don't have access to the number of skis that @Horton does. I know I don't have the experience base to assess them the way Horton does either but I am sure there are some other folks here that do.
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This is a terrible year to be out of commission.


All early reports about the Vapor3* are super positive. The guys at Radar really think they hit the ball out of the park. I have talked to two or three skiers that are on early versions and they are super stoked.


I have only heard spy accounts about the VTR**. I very much liked the V-Type and I have reason to believe the VTR is going to be even better.


There are other new things that will be unveiled in the next 24-48 hours. When you read the press release you will know as much as I know about new stuff.


(*I totally made up the name "Vapor3")

(** not the official name but it was only a matter of time)

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