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Tips for getting stacked and not breaking at the waist


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  • Baller
Last year at 54 years old was the first year I started skiing in the course. I finally made it at 28 mph 15 off. My goal this year was to get my speed up to 32 or 34 before I try shortening the rope. I am up to 30 mph but still break at the waist. Looking for novice tips to help get in a better stacked position and not break at the waist. Here is a video of this mornings run.
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  • Baller

@foxriverat -read this article and learn how to achieve rossi's ' power triangle '. nothing fixed my wake crossings like this tourniquet. unfortunately its easy to miss read since his 3 points of connection don't actually seem to form a ' triangle '. so for a few year i failed to get it until i re-read it and finally realized the 3 connection points are 1- my trailing arm 2- the handle 3- my trailing hip. once i understood that everything dramatically changed for me -



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