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CP video coaching


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  • Baller
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know about my new venture into video coaching. I've had the opportunity to do a lot of clinics with most of you in person and I hope video coaching proves to be another faucet that I can help you become a better skier. To reserve your spot shoot me an email at cparrish43@msn.com
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  • Baller

@skid - yep, see it now.


I did some video coaching with Chet in '13. I went well, but then a little odd. Sent him money through PayPal and video. His response was very quick. He asked me to call him to get his feedback and when I did we talked for quite a while. He was super personable, encouraging, and had some very good advice. Odd part was only that I tried to follow up with another question via email and got zero response. I guess that was his way of saying please deposit another $X in the slot, which I was fine with as there has to be some limit to how much time a coach can give you for "one lesson". You can't milk one payment for like three lessons. I'd certainly send him video again.


One obvious drawback to video coaching is that it's only video and no matter how good, it's never as good as the coach watching you from the boat and communicating to you in person. There are some subtle things related to angle and speed that even a super experienced eye doesn't see as well on video as they do in person. Also, just hearing their voice is not as valuable as an in-person conversation.


It is, though, much more convenient and quicker than trying to get a coach to you or you to a coach.


It would be interesting to send the same video to five different coaches and see what they all say. You'd probably get generally the same advice stated five different ways, but one might really turn a light bulb on.

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  • Baller_

I would think video quality is a factor along with other things that would need to be flushed out before a video is sent. Hate to send something only to find out it's to far away or to shaky or to short and the pull out was not captured.......


I would like to see more of a "ready for prime time" offer. Web site with video perimeter suggestions (possibly needed for editing like stop start like above or actual drawing on the video itself). Would like to see a place to pay with clear levels of coaching be it packages or whatever. With all do respect to CP, just an email for more info is not gonna cut it for a lot of skiers. I use an app called Coach My Video. Amazing coaching capabilities in the palm of your hand to say the least. I've used it for skiing, volleyball and archery with tremendous success. Will something like that be used? I don't know, maybe an email is enough but I think this could be a very big thing if someone put some serous thought into it and marketed well enough. I have not been looking but really have seen anything of the sort so far that takes this idea to a real bonafide business level. And it should be.

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  • Baller

@wish the things that you're looking for are all featured in this coaching program. That's what I state for more info to email me. If you would like to hear more about it let me know. Guys my #1 purpose of this online coaching program is to make you guys better slalom skiers , and make it very cost-efficient . And yes I agree with you guys having a coach in the boat definitely gives the feel of the interaction from the coach to the skier , that's why I came up with a price that I felt like help balance out that loss. But to help that as well I do a follow up phone call with you so you are crystal clear and satisfied with the money you just spent and you feel good in your mind that you have confidence to work on those things next time you go out and ski . This is a brand avenue for me that I'm very excited about will give all of my customers 110% focus just like I do when I'm coaching in the boat. Hope this helps some guys.


Thanks - CP

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Chris has worked with the best skiers and coaches in the industry. His knowledge and insight into skiing philosophy spans two to three decades. Just that alone is worth the price of admission, IMO. I had the pleasure to ski with CP this summer and in one set I learned more than I have in three years! When I went to ski with him I was struggling to get three balls at 32 off. With the help of CP and a second round of video coaching I am now more confident in the course and in one season improved my ball count by 10 buoys. He focuses on the fundamentals and trains you to think smarter and gives you "secrets" to combat and ski with Zero-Off.
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  • Baller

Skied with Chris in person when I was a 36 mph skier...he made me far more efficient. Suddenly if I wanted to I could run 12 passes in a set when prior I was 6 tops. After one pass he said "Dude, I love your intensity, but you don't have to be 90 degrees to the boat at all times". We worked on a more efficient line and it was really helpful.


He's enthusiastic, too. I think my deltoid is still bruised from sitting next to him after @razorskier1 did what he was supposed to do at 2 and 4 ball and CP was so excited he punched me in the shoulder. My kind of guy.

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  • Baller
Quick shout out - I sent some video to Chris and he reviewed and commented right away and told me to call him. I did, and we further reviewed the video together. Great advice (as @6balls said, made me more efficient). I'm already seeing the effects in my skiing and will continue to work with him.
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  • Baller
Did one video coaching session with Chris a few weeks. Just a few adjustments and I saw improvement right away. Tuesday I skied the best practice score I've had in over 3 yrs plus it felt easier than ever. Definitely recommend it.
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