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Proper sizing for ski


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  • Baller

My daughter who has been fairly reluctant for the past few years to start skiing, after following Paige for the last few years and the curiosity of as to what is so magical about the early morning ski with the guys, she started skiing, within a couple trips around the lake on 2, it was time to drop, half dozen drops later and it was time to get up on 1, on only the third try she was up!! She has awesome posture but says she finds the skis skittish, I explained that the skis are designed to be turning and on edge.


I have her on one of my old 67" kidders for now but I'm wondering how to size her properly? She is 12yrs, 5'2", 140 lb ish, very solid core and lower body strength. ( dances 5-6 days a week for 10 months a year....)

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  • Baller
I have a 12yr old daughter (5'6" 120lbs) also that just started skiing at the end of last season. I purchased a Radar P6 65" (Pink) and she loves it. And so do most of her friends that are all working on the mini-course. My wife even likes it better than the Lyric and Ho TX - She skis the course 26-28mph.
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  • Baller_

Size wise for 140 lbs and in the 20mph, the 67 is about right. Once she gets above 30 mph you could move to a 65" of a more recent design.


If it's "skittish" try moving the front binding forward a notch or 2. You can make more substantial changes at slow speeds than you would at max speed, so even 1/2" forward would not be unreasonable.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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