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Off-season Training


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One of the issues with skiing in Michigan is the six month off season. I am a 3-event skier and saw a large amount of improvement in all 3 events towards the end of the season. I think my slow start can be attributed to not being in proper ski shape come April and May. I would really like to get a strong start next season so I can continue to make improvements and take full advantage of those precious six months I have to ski.


Therefore I am looking for any and all advice on off-season training. For example what types of workouts yield the best results? Is strength more important than flexibility or vise versa? Which muscle groups are most important? And just any other general recommendations or specific things that have helped you all in the past. Let me know what you guys recommend!

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  • Baller

I have heard of a lot of skiers having good results with Crossfit. That said, I've tried it a few times and haven't liked it much. I'm sure many people on here will disagree with me.


I'm going to try p90-X this off season. Its a 90 day routine and I will try to do two cycles before next season. I've witnessed a few people get in really good shape following that workout and watching what they eat.


Good Luck!!

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  • Baller
Crossfit is awesome. But you have to find the right gym(I hate calling them boxes). A LOT popped up with basic level instructors, who don't concern themselves with the correct form, only that speed is of the essence. There are some that are overall fitness based, as opposed to performance based. Those are the ones to go to.
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  • Baller

Whatever you end up doing ,the key is going to be consistency more than anything else. If you decide to get in shape 1 month before ski season, you will be disappointed, but if you work out all winter you will be pleasantly surprised.


I would recommend some form of compound full body lifting exercises like deadlifts, squats, pull-ups, and benchpress in addition to dynamic activities which require core work. Play basketball, go biking, or pick up swimming (indoors of course). You might as well have fun getting in shape!

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Nothing gets you in better skiing shape than skiing. That said, I've found high intensity "warm room" workouts improve off-season stamina.

"Hot Feet Fitness Workout is a high intensity 21 minute body weight work out in a studio that is about 90 degrees with 35% - 40% humidity. The heat is helpful in allowing the body to work deeper into each exercise safely, minimizing risk of injury by increasing elasticity of the muscles, ligaments and tendons, allowing greater flexibility with a lower risk of injury.

The heat also facilitates sweating, detoxifying through the pores and skin – the body’s largest eliminating organ. Heat increases cardiovascular workout. The intensity of the heat deepens the need for concentration and focus, strengthening willpower and self-control. The duration helps all of us get a great workout and take steps to fitness and health daily while also fitting into a busy schedule.

The method of using simple body weight exercises facilitates a mental and physical freedom that eliminates all fear associated with typical workouts." - Taken from the Hot Fee Fitness website

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  • Baller

I did the Insanity workout last winter with some P90x(lean schedule). This summer was the best I ever skied, but I only had one good tournament. I set a new PB in tricks of 1730 points, and tied my PB in slalom 2@35off. In practice I got into 35off just about every time in practice cold off the dock. In practice I set a new PB in slalom of 5 1/2@35off. I got to the exit gate, but threw the handle because there was more slack in the rope I could hang on to. Did not want to risk injury. If you do any of the beachbody workouts you have to follow the nutrition plan otherwise your body will not recover in between, especially if you are older like me(age 46).


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