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Denali Summit


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This last weekend, a good portion of the Denali beta test team got together at Lago Del Sol in Fort Worth FL (near Palm Beach).


I have to begin by thanking our hosts, Darin and Bruce. Incredibly giving of their homes, time, boat, facility, etc. And Bruce isn't even on a Denali -- yet! THANKS!


What a huge thrill to finally meet @Wish, @Razorskier1 , @tap, @AdamCord , @adamhcaldwell and his girlfried/Denali Nutrionist, and several others that I don't know by BoS screenname. I barely managed to be in FL for 24 hours, but it was an absolute blast.


I'm almost positive I've never learned so much about waterskiing in one day. The Denali philosophy, from start to finish, is truly based on science. Technique informs ski design and vice versa. In all honesty, I feared that my extremely positive impression of the Adams could be punctured by meeting them in person, but the exact opposite was true. I came away in awe. It's damn hard to B.S. me when you start talking geometry and physics -- it's almost a risk to do so. Well, unless you REALLY know what you're talking about, in which case I sit there nodding my head and saying "How the hell did I not realize that before?"


As long as these folks will let me be part of their team, it's hard to imagine skiing on anything else.

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  • Baller_
@Than_Bogan The greater question is "How in the hell did the rest of the waterski industry not realize this long ago?" I much prefer being on the leading edge of this knowledge curve as it relates to skiing and ski design with these gentleman and like you..I'll hang with them until the end. Was good to meet you even if it was kinda short.
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  • Baller
I wonder how much science / engineering has been involved in ski design in the past. From my perspective it seems like more tribal know passed down and experimentation by experiences (feel). Could be wrong but that what it seems to me as an outsider.
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@DanE Hah, no.


But really I've never experienced that letdown. When I first got on the Connelly HP, the Goode 9100, and the NanoOne, I thought I was on something "just plain better." And I never changed my mind, although I guess I'll say the N1 broke down faster than I would have hoped.


The same was true the other way: the 9400 and a Fisher that never suited me were unimpressive from day one onward.


So I don't have much doubt that this Denali is the real thing.

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