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Please sign petition: Save water skiing in VA


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Unfortunately good ole boy politics prevailed, with no logical reasons from the supervisors it was a 4-1 vote to keep the ban. There were about the same number of people that spoke that were for keeping it as were there for repealing it. here is exactly what I said at the hearing. Thank you all for your support and encouragement. Here is what I said at the hearing.


The Chickahominy River was dammed up by man, but it was given to us by God. Walker's Dam was not built to keep skiers out. It was built to keep the salt water out. Everybody in this room knows this ordinance is wrong. It has no foundation according to state law, federal law, or the Public Trust Doctrine. This county does not have any reason to regulate which recreational activities can be enjoyed on public water. According to the minutes from 1979; The reason this regulation exists is because five people, boat landing operators, wanted to control the activities on a body of water they did not own. The attempts to defend this ordinance have absolutely nothing to do with skiing, they are nothing more than distractions from the real issue. Some people just don’t like water skiing. Water skiers may be the minority, but our right to enjoy public water is secured by the Constitution of Virginia, Article 11, Section 1.


On January 8, 2013 the following was stated in the Virginia Court of Appeals, case of VMRC vs. Chincoteague Inn. "In Virginia, the public trust doctrine is as follows: The state holds the land lying beneath public waters as trustee for the benefit of ALL citizens. As a trustee, the state is responsible for proper management of the resource to ensure the preservation and protection of all appropriate current and potential future uses, including conflicting uses by the public."


Mr. Davis, you told me back in July to go out there and ski. The commonwealth attorney and Sherriff Howard told you they would not enforce this. Chairman Stiers, a state Conservation Police Officer told you they would not enforce this ordinance. This is nothing more than a feel good ordinance that a few people want to keep in place for selfish reasons. If county and state law enforcement refuse to enforce 46-52, why on God's green earth would you vote to keep it in place. The state says it is ok to ski on this lake, Charles City says it is ok to ski on this lake, it is time for New Kent to say it is ok to ski on this lake.


This hearing is not skiers against fishermen, we are not trying to restrict anyone from enjoying their sport on the water. This hearing is about much more than water skiing. The early history of this country is riddled with revolutionary thinkers that founded this country on the ideals of small government. Fundamental unalienable rights that we all naturally possess, along with the duty we have to stand up to our government when it begins to restrain the people and restrict their rights. How many other ordinances does this county have that are unnecessary? I think we should take a look and eliminate those that have no purpose, starting with 46-52.


This all started back in July, it has been a very interesting journey for a couple of working class guys that just want to ski. I am grateful for the opportunity provided to the citizens to stand before this board and share our thoughts and concerns. Regardless of the outcome of this vote, I will hold my head high, knowing I have done my best and taken a stand on what is right. Board members, thank you for bringing this issue to a hearing, I am confident you will do what you believe in your hearts to be right, even if it is not popular.


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  • Baller

The law does not restrict horsepower or jet skis. BUT there are no public ramps. There are private ramps at 3 or 4 different camp grounds. None of the camp grounds will let jet skis launch. Only one will let ski boats launch ($7 fee).


That ramp gave us a bunch of crap last time we took our boats out. they got a call that our boats were outlawed. They even took a picture of our boats.


The good news is @Nautibynature just found out that the locks on the dam that have been broken for 7 years, have been fixed. The locks are for the general PUBLIC and are FREE. Now any ski boat or jet ski can put in on the river, use the locks and get to the lake.

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