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  • Gold Member

Super-cool look, but why have the numbers at all?


As a general rule, I get so many free T-shirts that I don't spend actual money on them, but I think I might just have to buy this design if it were just the ropes themselves.

  • Baller
Hmmm. @Than_Bogan are you saying the design sans numbers holds the potential for intergalactic imperial vs metric vs delta conceptual convergence?
  • Baller

Just to be clear, my initial thought was to be open minded and feature metric length remaining vs feet removed. @Horton nearly assigned me a panda. I'm a big fan of continual improvement and I think the community (well, @Than_Bogan ) just improved this.


I will need to take the design down and do some quick rework later today. Crazy busy day, but stay tuned.

  • Baller_
I think it would be interesting to have the buoy placed relative to the handle. A line of buoys across the individual ropes, one buoy on each rope at an aligned location. That tells you what you need to know.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

  • Baller
I prefer the numbers. Otherwise it's just a bunch of ropes, especially to the un-initiated. And $5 bucks says @Than_Bogan won't even buy this shirt ...
  • Gold Member

@jcamp Probably a smart bet.


But it's nonsense to the uninitiated no matter how you adjust it. I'd guess that less information leads to fewer stupid questions.

  • Baller
@BOS_Shirts You should be able to highlight or use a brighter color and customize the line length of your best score....then as people PB on a new line length, they have to buy a new shirt. It is a return business generator.
  • Baller

@skibug I like your thinking. In the mean time, have you ever heard of a laundry marker?


Speaking of a business generator, @Horton how about awarding the coveted Panda gif automatically debits a forum member's PayPal account and generates a shirt order? There might need to be a frequent-panda volume discount provision.

  • Baller
I can't read which numbers, metric or feet, are on the shirt? I think it should be both, that way when I watch a tournament I can look at the shirt to figure out which rope length the skier is at in feet. Most announcers use metric and I do not know the conversion method without a calculator.
  • Baller
@Horton Ha!! Thats funny. I was conflicted which way to vote as I am generally exposed to feet off more (being in the US stuck in an antiquated system and all....) It is a pet peeve of mine that the US has been to stubborn to adapt to the BETTER and simpler system in all areas.....not just water skiing.
  • Baller
Ask peopel from Gt Britain about the imperial pint of beer and the new metric version. Not sure beer drinkers would agree to your simpler and better comment. :)
  • Baller
@BOS_Shirts and everyone else I will give you a heads up. The American Apparel shirts fit small. I have 4 L shirts I have ordered from Teespring and they fit like a M.
  • Baller

athletic cut is normally wide shoulders w/ slim body.


American Apparel is more like REVERSE athletic cut, narrow shoulders and normal body (w/ extra short sleeves).

  • Baller

@BOS_Shirts it has been past 30 days. I should have asked when I first got the shirts. I thought they would say tough luck so I didn't check.


I know you don't make the shirts I just wanted to pass the word order 1 or 2 sizes up.

  • Baller

Order tipped again because of interest, and this design will be available for the next 7 days. :)


FYI, for those wondering about customer service, I just placed an order but hit the wrong shirt size. I emailed TeeSpring a couple days later but before the end of the order period and they corrected my order for me.

  • Baller
Love this one...generates the most discussion n makes explanation easier. Just picked up a long sleeve and a short sleeve of a different graphic to go with my others. Thanks!

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