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Reflex torn Achilles


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Just looking for some insight been on a reflex Wiley combo for almost 2 years. I weigh 180 and ski into 36 22 off. I had an otf with my binding set to 6-6.5.( I had adjusted it higher due to an early release) anywho I came out of my Wiley's and didn't release from my reflex and fully tore my Achilles. In rehab now post surgery and interested in others opinions on what setting should be at. Or general benefits of making my way back to a rubber boot. I know everyone has their own opinion but I'm just bored and figured I'd get some others insight.
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  • Baller
@dillonski17 Bummer on the Achillies, hope is heals well quick. I ski mine at 6, 220 @34 -38 and I pop off with ease when I do come off. I can pop off easily on the dock or in the water also. At 180 -22 thought that does seem a little high. How old is it, how much skiing has that binding seen? Reflex recommends replacing the spring every 2 years. If the spring gets weak and you crank it down to compensate then the system is compromised. I had a similar issue with a couple pre-releases due to used up spring. Seems all good then pop it went right behind the boat. Sucks. As I ski year round now in FL I am replacing the rear horseshoe/spring mechanism. Like gas, ropes and handles, I look at it as a disposable item cost of skiing.
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  • Baller

If your are LFF, then a CC of my AT tear in '13. Had switched from black cuff (tongue brake) to white cuff (strap brake) but did not dry land test the release. Hit 6B; back foot out of Wiley, but no release up front, blew out AT.


Still in a Reflex with brake strap but dry land (platform) test the release once/2 weeks. The numerical setting is a 3; I haven't pre-released, but do come out very easily with minor tip stuffs out of the offside (my preference).The # setting is irrelevant imo, just set it to feel right.




Be diligent with your rehab.


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  • Baller

I think I'm around 4 at 170lb. My skiing partner was having problems with his releasing randomly. He kept tightening it. I noticed that the mount had a lot of movement. There's a thread here talking about it, but the threads on screw that hold the release to the plate mount eat away at the hole in the release.


I drilled out the hole in the mounting block and used a screw that was too long so that there was a smooth shank where the release hole is. I ended up using the a #10 stainless socket head and ground the head flat enough that it cleared the heal cup of the Supershell. A #10 screw is quite a bit bigger than the original metric screw but that's what it took to make up for what had be machined out by the treads on the original screw.


I also filled the extra hole on each mounting block with epoxy before I drilled it out. His boot was only like 6 months old. I changed the screw on mine fairly soon after I got it. I used the proper metric size but with some smooth shank on it.


Also reflex recommends changing the spring, I think once a year.

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