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Ski Schools/Camps


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Hey guys!


I'm a recreational skier who only gets time at the mercy of boat owning friends and vacation, but right now I'm pretty comfortable at 32 and 15 off. After feeling that I'd outgrown the hook/hp available to me, at 5'2 and 120 I purchased a 65 2011 F1 w/ a shadow front binding and rtp. We're considering skipping the vacation that allows me ski time next year, so I was looking into other options. I'd love to get into trying the course out and really gain some technique after being mostly self-taught until now other than the occasional tip.


I live in SE MI and looked into Pine Lake Ski School, but at $140 an hour for a lesson, I was hoping for something a bit more budget friendly considering I am a college student. So far Bennett's and Coble's look like the best options for me as I am interested in a week or so stay with lodging and food being a pretty large plus.


Location is big too though, I can drive if need be, but Coble's is already pushing my range and a plane ticket hikes the cost a ton. Any thoughts, experiences, or tips?


Thanks in advance!

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  • Baller
I have been to Coble's many times and it is a great place that I highly recommend. April and family run an awesome fun school with good instructors and great conditions. Given how you describe your ability I think you would have a great time there. For what you get I think it is a very fair value and a lot of fun.
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@fu_man I'll look into them right now!


@Chef23 They're definitely looking like one of my better options right now. Were you there for a summer camp? If so, would you say there was a wide range of ages or would I be an odd man out at 20?

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  • Baller

Especially if you are a fledgling jumper, a ski school is worth every penny. Self-taught

jumping is a scary and dangerous thing. When I spent a few days at Joe Cash's ski school

in Sarasota back in Spring 1964, it was an excellent experience. I'm long past competing

in jumping or even riding over the ramp, but some of the things he told me are still very

valid today.

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  • Baller
i have been there for summer camps and went as a camper along with my kids. There generally aren't a ton of 20s age campers but the counsellors/instructors are generally in their late teens to 20s so there will be someone to talk to and hang with.
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@Edbrazil Thanks Ed, I'm really looking forward to hopefully finding some coaching, I'll probably never compete, but I'd love to improve.


@Chef23 That's kind of what I figured it would be, bit of a bummer on the age front.


@wtrskior I guess maybe I wasn't careful enough in looking at competitive pricing. Is an hour lesson even fully beneficial though? I can't imagine skiing well for that long. But at the same time, I don't want to spend hours driving for 20 minutes of skiing. And as someone who's only free skied, what's the definition of a set?


@BraceMaker If I can find a way to maybe string together a couple lessons and make it worth my drive with LE that could be an option. I also ran across Ty's site, think he is ~2 hours from me.

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  • Baller
I've taken lessons at both Pine Lake and with Ty. If Ty is available, I'd recommend you make the drive. Besides doing a solid job as a coach, his lake is an awesome site. Pine Lake is wide open and can get blown out easily.
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@Chef23 That's a good idea, now getting a college friend to commit to that amount of money... A bit harder.


@DaveD I had wondered about the conditions on PL, would such to get a windy day.


@rodecon Sounds like the people really enjoy Ty then, thanks!


@GRskier Did you go for a lesson by yourself? If so, how did you divide up your hour?

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  • Baller
@ClaiCouture you need to talk to @MattP about starting a team at your school. You'll make some of the best friends of your life at NCWSA tournaments, spring break trips, and all of the other shenanigans involved with collegiate waterskiing.
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@ClaiCouture I went alone. It was my first experience with a (paid) lesson. Also my first time on a real ski lake. First pass or two was Ty observing/diagnosing. Then probably 15-20 minutes working on the pull out. Another 20 mins working on handle control. The hour went by quickly.


I don't have a lesson on the calendar yet, but I intend to make the drive to Lawson a few times yet this summer.

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  • Baller
I skied with TY about 8 years ago at his lake. I filmed a bunch of it; need to rehash those vids... His advice was key to helping me move from a 32mph 15 off skier to a 32 off skier. fantastic site and a great family as well; His mom and dad are class acts. Need to go back sometime!!!
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  • Baller

@ClaiCouture I wouldn't let the age thing at Cobles bother you. Anytime I have been there you will find most people on the same wavelength regardless of age and quite easy to get along with. @Chef23 thoughts are spot on from a student point of view and as an instructor there I have had students range from about 4 to 82!!!!

And if you have a long distance to travel try and go a week that has a Saturday ski school as well, that way you can have a day off then get in some extra sets,,,, and play with the instructors Thursday Night =)

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Oh wow, so many replies, thank you everyone for your time and thoughts! While I don't think most, or any, of these plans will pan out till next year I've definitely been given a lot to think on.


Ty's sounds like a great option if I find myself headed out to the west side, make it a stop on my way?

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