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3 of my favorites skiers are injured...


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  • Baller

Nate,Freddie and...me!

Tore my Achille throwing the ski around 2 @35 off. Was late and my stupid brain decided to go for it even if i wasn t going anywhere after 2. All i could have done is stand up and take the hit...Stupid move.

Going to hospital this p.m. for a scan to see the extend of the damage.

Season is over for me.

Be safe outhere and remember kids:there is no 100%safe bindings!l442bcqarc8u.jpg


My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

Bummer @Andre - did mine in 2006 from a combo of trying to rip a front binding off that was still laced up to tight and later that day jumping off that same foot - snap!


Best of luck for a speedy and full recovery. You'll be back next year, good to go.



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  • Baller

Sorry to hear. Pick a good surgeon who follows current protocols. Someone that hopefully won't keep your foot in a cast for weeks or months (too much atrophy). And, a good PT for sure to get your early rehab off to a good, and safe start. Good luck!


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  • Baller

We are in the same boat. I did mine two weeks ago Weds at 4 ball. Had surgery a day and a half later. I'm in the second cast now. See the Dr again on Mon. I was in a Wiley rubber binding.

Good luck on your recovery we can compare notes.

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  • Baller

Thanks everyone for the kind words!

Just back from the hospital,95% tear,surgery next thursday.

Front foot ,RFF, reflex 750 and RTP.

I'd like to explain it better but it happened so fast.Was almost horizontal when i fell as i was stretch to the max right at the ball.I know the Reflex released but after the hit on my Achille.I knew right away that's where i was hurt from reading about it on BOS.

I'll take everyones advices for rehab.The Dr was talking about some kind of ''hardshell'' :)

that they can progressively adjust the angle of foot...We'll see.

Gonna be able to watch the Olympics...

Not able to ski until next May is killing me.Might have to fly south this winter!!!

Thanks guys!

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

You say you did release @Andre , but do you think the screw was just slightly a bit tight? Or would it have made no difference with your particular fall? I'm also using the 750, so interested in your thoughts on this.


I hope you heal well mate, terrible any time for an injury like that.

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  • Baller

Thanks @rockdog !

Been using the same adjustement for the last 2.5 seasons and it always release fine before.

Tested it on the dock for the initial adjustement,it's just a bit higher then 3.

I think it's more a combination of falling in a weird manner and bad luck...



My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

Had surgery yesterday.They gave me choice of local anesthesia or to take a nap.Chose to sleep a bit while they were doing the work.

2 more weeks of crutches without putting weight on it then a visit to the orthopedist to fit an orthopedic boot with heel wedges to gradually give more movement to the foot.Wish i could go back in time and choose not to throw the ski around bouy number 2...

Would also be less frustrating if i wasn't living on my lake.Seeing that glass every morning is hearthbreaking.

Morning of the crash was my 42 straight morning of skiing 2 sets...

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

@Andre I got into the boot on Monday after just over two weeks in two different casts. The boot is a big improvement, but it does take some getting used to. They stretched the tendon for about and hour before they put the boot on. That was a little tough. I do have to sleep with it on though. I can take it off to shower and lightly stretch 2 or 3 times a day.


The boot did irritate my incision a little bit, the first day, but that has subsided.


I start physical therapy week after next.


Damn I miss skiing....


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  • Baller

@Lovell ''Damn i miss skiing''

Well,if someone understand you it's me!

I'll be driving my regulars ski partners tomorrow morning.That's the only thing i can do!

Gonna be a long winter!

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

Thanks @Jordan!



How's the rehab going?

Getting my ''new hardshell'' :) on thursday...

Moving around on crutches sucks big time! Are you still using them or just the boot?

My ski finish in 16.95 but my ass is out of tolerance!

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  • Baller

just starting PT

The boot is huge improvement

I ditched the crutches after 3-4 days in the boot--it definetly takes a few days

Still use the crutches when I don't have the boot on

The dr is trying to get me to transition to a regular shoe over the next two weeks.

Over it seems to be going pretty well

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