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D3 ARC 67 settings


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I am at the end of this review cycle an thought I would share my settings. I ran up to my PB on both the Yellow and the Blue and with a number of settings. If I was going to stay on the ski I would use one of the two below settings.


Thanks to Nick Parsons for helping me with settings on the ARC


30 1/8


.777 slot

.760 head





30 1/8






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@Horton - I tried the 9 deg wing. No good for me. 7 deg was fine. May go to 8 when the water cools down. Otherwise, I think we're pretty close on numbers. I started .744 DFT and moved to .750 and it feels better. May try .760 and see. For certain, this ski is much more sensitive to fin movement than any D3 in the past.
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  • Baller
@jdarwin "more sensitive to fin movement than any D3 in the past". Oh crap! I don't relish a lot of tinkering, but if that's what it takes! That's one reason I've liked D3 in the past. Set it like Crawford said and ski happy.
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@jdarwin "more sensitive to fin movement than any D3 in the past" ? I have never experienced a ski so sensitive to fin movement like the 2013 quest - i hope its not the case, because it really took me a long time to get it right .....
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@LeonL - the numbers I'm running are what Crawford set the ski to. I made minor adjustments and basically went back to those settings - with the exception of moving to .750 on DFT. @sfriis - just start with 6.949 / 2.455 / .744 dft and 7 deg wing. Bindings stock. I think you will be close to where you need to be on a 67". Shouldn't take long to find the right setting using that baseline.
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@acmx yea I do not find the ski to be super sensitive to settings. Those two settings both worked for me.


@Hipsup It is really bad that I did not start with the stock settings. I ski with a D3 guy that found these settings and I just started at his settings and then had Nick Parsons help me tweak from there.



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My ski partner @acmx and I both skied the blue '67 today using the settings @Horton mentioned as opposed to what Paul C. Gave me. (The first set above). I went with 29.75 and @acmx went 30" and we both thought the ski was much better. For me, much more stable, and a bit quicker. For @Acmx much more "free" felt like a different ski. If you haven't at least tried those settings, you're doing yourself a disservice.
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@Hipsup IDK. It can not be hard to extrapolate the numbers down to size but I've never done it. Take a look at the stock charts and see what the difference is they make between sizes
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@stuartmwood - spent a lot of time on my 68 yellow at:






30 1/8


Just changed to:






30 1/8


Only one set at the latter numbers, but they felt really good. Would like to go back to 30.0 with my bindings to see how that feels, but can't with my current plate.


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To update, I adapted @hortons numbers & changed the settings on my daughters blue 66 from stock to 29 5/8, 6.935, 2.473, 0.755, 7 degrees.

She's now had about 6 sets with these settings and the ski is Magic! - faster, more stable and turns better.

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  • Baller

The second set of numbers posted by @Horton above are like a gift from God. 30.00" on the front boot for me but otherwise the best settings so far. I am posting this because all of the advise I was getting was to not go forward with the boots and that seemed to match what I was feeling. My own tinkering had me at 29.5 shallow long and back. When I tried to go forward with the boots to get my onside rounded out some, the ski would get sluggish. 30" + is, apparently, just another "zone" that works. 29.625 to 29.75 was a no man's land.


Thanks @Horton

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