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Sore Backfoot Heel Help


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  • Baller

I waterski a few times a week usually 2 lots of 6 course passes and have noticed this summer that I have a slightly tender Backfoot Heel its a bit sore first thing in the morning and then eases up, it never hurts when I ski . Is this a known sensitivity ie common problem associated with being old and starting up in the summer after a 6 monthish break?. I should add that I'm 59yrs old otherwise Fit and not overweight or any other known problems . I am learning the course trying for the outer buoys at about 27 so theres still a bit of a wake to bump through , maybe my skis to flat crossing the wake? or maybe i'm pushing the back of the ski down ? or maybe I'm just getting old and knackered :)


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  • Baller


Skiing has a way of tightening up muscles and tugging on your tendons differently. I would be doing calf raises on the edge of a step and heel stretches, toe against the wall and lean into it, to help loosen that up. I had plantar fasciitis, probably from other stuff, and stretching is the way out of it.


Come to think of it, there isn't much I haven't had! This sport beats the stuff out of you after a while. We were just talking about how as we near 60, a lot of guys have dropped out from the physical (mental as well) punishment. We think its a good punishment!

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  • Baller

In the PT clinic the likely course of treatment would be ice and sub maximal stretching, both calf (in all 3 planes of motion -runners type dynamic stretching) as well as plantar fascia.


Also us e a frozen water bottle rolled back n forth on the bottom of the involved foot.

Also try icing the Achilles.

**Your Achilles is likely being tugged on by the soleus and gastroc musculature always being in a stretch position in rear foot on ski position. This is putting a lot of pressure on the Achilles which is a rope like non contractile tissue that can and does rupture. A good sports PT assessment of how tight your Achilles is would be a good idea - if it is close to rupturing that would be not be good.


Let me know how is goes,


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