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Difference in stability and forgiveness in Alloy, Graphite, Lithium Senates


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  • Baller

I have been on a 2015 Alloy Senate since last fall and switched to it from a 2014 Connelly Prophecy because I wanted more stability and forgiveness. I skied a course a few times this summer and now that school has started should be able to ski a course at least once or twice a week. I'm a 60-footer and make most 30 mph passes and some 32 mph passes. I'd like to run a full pass at 34 mph by the end of this season and hopefully start shortening the rope next season.


When I switched from the Prophecy to the Alloy Senate last year I remember the Senate feeling like a tank in comparison, but I was tired of falling and injuring myself so much and thought I should get on a ski more appropriate for my level.


Since this is the season for good deals on ski gear I've been thinking of upgrading to a Graphite or Lithium Senate. Can someone who has experience on these different versions compare them for me in terms of how much speed is gained with the Graphite and Lithium versions and how much stability and forgiveness is lost with them compared to the Alloy version?



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I was trying to decide between the Graphite and Alloy Senate and ended up going with the Graphite through the advice of some members. I can't speak about the other ski's as I did not demo anything. I was also concerned that it would not be forgiving enough, but I'm so glad I bought it because it is still very forgiving and stable. I did not consider the Lithium because it was out of my price range.



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I have no experience between the three, but I have all but decided on a lithium senate for my next ski based on reviews. I've skied an older Senate a couple years ago at 30 mph through the course and I loved it. If money is no issue, go for the best! I think I've read it is -41 capable at 34mph!
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  • Baller
@Mark_Matis curious what ski you ended up choosing? Was the side-to-side twitching occurring while on edge, coming into the turn or while riding flat? Ive only noticed the twitching when trying to ride the ski totally flat.
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  • Baller
My Prophecy last year was definitely twitchy -- it always wanted to be on edge. When I switched to the Alloy Senate I found the Senate to be extremely stable and un-twitchy in comparison. I assumed this was due to shape rather than materials, which is why I am so curious to better understand how materials affects the ski's forgiveness and stability. The Senate and Vapor are perfect skis for this comparison since they each have different materials used within the same shapes.
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  • Baller
@TallSkinnyGuy I am the same level skier as you and have a Senate Lithium (coming off a Theory) and haven't had any stability issues and find it to be very forgiving. It most certainly 'falls' on edge very easily and can be a little twitchy on glassy water when skiing flat, but have never found it to be at a level where it is unsettling. If the extra price can be justified I would recommend this ski to anyone. I have skiied on a Graphite and felt a noticable difference to the Lithium (stiffer and faster).
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  • Baller
Im on a 2013 alloy senate and around the same level as you. Skiing 30 mph at 15 off made a few passes at 22 off. My goal is also to get up to 34 mph before season ends. I thought about upgrading ski`s. Then I thought its me not the ski. In my opinion I dont think it would make that much of a difference to justify the extra $$. When I start running shorter passes at 34 mph then I might think about a new ski.
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@Mark_Matis the twitching you speak of i have found on every ski I have ever tried. Without thinking about it, it disappears after 10 passes or so. I can go back to a previous ski, same thing. Really sounds like your bindings were a little too far forward if it didn't stop, although it sounds like you tried about everything to change it up.
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@Mark_Matis I am loving the "entertainment for the driver" comment! I wonder if there was something wrong with that ski? It's funny, I tried a different ski yesterday that I hadn't been on in a while. Had a little wobble with it and went back to my other and same thing. Think I just get used to it, but I've always thought a little wobble is a good thing. Means it wants to be on edge!
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