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Radar Carbitex boots


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  • Baller
I am finally looking to upgrade my Green vapor to the 2017 pro. I just had the boots blow out too and got a smoking deal on the 2015 green vapor boots but now I am reading about the new Carbitex boots. Anyone skied with them and able to compare them to the older vapor boots?
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  • Baller
I wonder how they will compare to the '16 Vapor Boas. The comment about lateral stability is particularly of interest. Everyone takes out their "stiffeners" in the '16s because it seems nobody skis well with them in. If the '17s are stiffer, is that a good thing?
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  • Baller

I just upgraded from the green vapors to the new carbitex boots.

Much stiffer however I'm not sure if it's because they are just new.

I took the stiffeners out.

It took a couple passes to get used to. The connection to the ski is much better.

They feel lighter which is nice. I've been meaning to weigh both to actually see difference.

Very pleased!

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  • Baller

They all seem stiff the 1st few sets. When I replaced my 2013 front boot with a green one 2 months ago it took 1 ski day in them and placing tennis balls in them overnight to stretch em. This resulted in a tighter faster turn.


I just had my rear boot back rubber piece blow out so I got a new green vapor boot new on a fall blow out sale from Perf ski for 100$. Then of course I see the new technology with the Carbitex which peaked my curiosity.


@Mike Gile good to know! My recent experience with breaking in a pair of boots and seeing the results of better skiing made me think the new ones have to good!

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