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Gelcoat issues


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  • Baller

This stuff works - you say cosmetic - http://www.magicezy.com/products/hairline-fix/


If you have things like fine cracks in the Gel around window frames and such where there is no structural reason to repair and no thought that you had hard impact damage I'd give this a go.


Otherwise Gel repairs generally mean you want to grind the area out plus feather the ground area out over a good size so that you can blend the gel out. So you take and put deep scratches into the factory gel in an area and then fill those scratches with new gel and sand it smooth and level. Fun stuff.

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  • Baller
My boat ended up nosing into the shoreline with some random rock gouges several years back. I filled with a kit for my specific color. Let harden, then block wet sanded with various grades of paper to very fine, then power buffed out, and it looked pretty decent. It was in a great place for me to hide my amateur work though, on the bottom front of the hull, so hard to really see. From standing and looking at it, no one could tell.
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