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Waterski site outside of Florida open in November


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  • Baller

Hi guys,


A friend and I are looking for a ski site to spend a few days towards the end of November. Unfortunately we can't go to Florida due to Zika concerns. We've spoken to trophy lakes but it seems they aren't in a position to confirm a reservation at this time due to the fact that the site was recently sold. We are looking to book in the near future and ideally a site that would offer the opportunity to demo some new high end slalom skis. Any suggestions?


Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


P.s. We are coming from Montreal, Canada so we have a preference for east coast but will head out west if we need to!

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  • Baller

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but zika is showing up in many areas, and the "zika mosquito" is all over. I have travelled to a number if infected" areas recently and it's been much bigger in the media then locally. An area of Miami had started to outbreak buy that was months ago. If you are pregnant or soon to be then its going to be tough to find a warm climate that doesnt have some risk of zika.



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  • Industry Professional



While there is a transition happening at Trophy Lakes, the lake is still very much open and operating! If you are interested in visiting Charleston and skiing at Trophy please PM me and I can help you organize and set things up!

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