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Looking to buy a high end used ski. No competition, just aggressive skiing with an occasional course run. 48 years old 5ft 9, 195lbs. Do I need a 69' or will I be ok with a 67 or 68? Skiing behind an 04 response. Thanks for any input. My old ski back in the day was a Connelly Rocket. Current ski is a radar p7 i believe.
  • Baller
What speed are you going? that could be a factor as well, at 195 if you are skiing 32mph or less you might want more ski than a 67'. At 34 the 67 is likely enough if you plan on maintaining or losing weight, if you think you might try to put on weight (hitting the gym or eating a lot of turnkey in the coming days) might go larger. At 36 mph I've used everything from 67-68.5 so it's likely not a make or break decision between the sizes if the set up is right.
  • Baller_

At 195 6'1" and 34mph I've jumped between 67's and 68's. Some of the 67's I felt I was being over worked. On a wide ski, like a Mapple T2, 67.5 was plenty. The D3 Arc was more work on a 67 and perfect on a 68. The Connelly GT was much the same. Both were perfectly usable at 67, but the 68's are just perfect.

At 32mph, I think I'd go 68 across the board, again with the exception of the wide skis. My buddy is in the 215 area @32 mph and is still super happy with the 67.5" T2.

I don't know if height is really a factor. I'm sure opinions differ on that.

  • Baller
I am 6'3" and 205 and ski on a 69". Feels big at times and looking to downsize this next season to try it out. By no means is it difficult to run a course, but feels a little slower and turning takes a little more effort. Wish they would make skis a little bit more affordable.
  • Baller

I'm 5'10" and weigh anywhere between 200 and 220 depending on time of year and how committed I am to restricting carbs and calories. I ski at 34 mph. I have to stay below 220 to ski because that's about where a 68" ski just stops working for me. 200-210, 68" is great and skiing is a real treat; 210-215, the ski still works fine but I can tell I'm heavy and the ski's a little sluggish; 215-220, hey, I can ski but this kinda sucks; 220 or more, nope . . . time to go golfing.




  • Baller
I picked up a Connelly Carbon V and it works perfect. Great in the course and free skiing is much less effort. I couldn't be happier. Big spray too!!!!

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