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Need help starting a club


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  • Baller

I talked to the lake owner, he's ready to get the lake really rolling. We've got 6 guys, not including the owner, who would likely pay yearly dues. Possibly more, but right now that's our group.

One of us has a 2014 Prostar he'd sell to the club, or let it pay for. One possible member is a Nautique promo guy, so we could have good boats.

We currently do not have covered boat storage.

So, we've got the hard parts taken care of, but now I need some insight. We start a club how? I've emailed USA Waterski/AWSA several times with zero response. I'm thinking we start a standard sports club type llc and get it insured. Maybe they'll answer if we are offering money. Or, have any of you found a better way to insure your club. The owner is incredibly gracious and says the place is insured, but we'd like to carry that liability for him.

We were discussing the dues, with a club boat, but I think we're in the infancy of this thing, and should move toward storage first, where members could keep their boats. And a club boat in the next couple years.

The owner is actually talking about getting a college kid living onsite as a full-time driver.

There was a thread going the other day that was insightful about membership dues, that I think some of my guys need to read, to set expectations. We aren't getting site, storage, and a 200 for $600 a year. At least not until we get 15-20 members, but I think I'm dreaming there.

Any input, and initial direction/help is greatly appreciated.

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  • Baller_

Our club is an LLC and we insure liability through SportsInsurance. We have between 15-20 members and the dues last year were $2250, which included our TXi and gas on a site with boathouse and clubhouse. We haven't ordered the new TXi yet and I'm hoping it doesn't impact the dues.


I've heard that some clubs have difficulty getting boat insurance for a club boat with multiple possible drivers. We haven't had that issue, but have been insured with the same company for a while.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
@aupatking you intimated that you wanted to have your club affiliated with USAWS. If so, go to the website and click on membership services. Then click in affiliated clubs. You should be able to go from there and shuck out your $100. This being if you really want such affiliation. There is some insurance implied, however I've never had to file a claim so I don't know how good it would be. There are some hoops to jump through to be covered. All your "practices" (read all skiing) must be sanctioned. That's easy enoiugh though. All drivers must be rated or have a trained driver certification. All skiers must be USAWS members, otherwise you must have a rated safety person on hand. If you don't intend to have sanctioned tournaments I'd just apply the $100 to the insurance you spoke of.
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  • Baller_

Anyone that takes on the job of starting a club deserves a big Thank You from the sport.


My suggestion is to get a well thought out organizational document augmented by published site and skiing rules. By starting with a small group it will be a lot easier to build consensus. Write the rules you think will work best for the ideal size of the club once it is mature. Good governance documents are those you can turn to to resolve just about every problem that might pop up in the future. I put my kids through college by fixing problems that could have been completely avoided if time had been taken to set things up properly at the start.


I would talk to folks like @OB1, @mmosley899, your local business lawyer or me that have experience organizing ski clubs and /or business entities. Get a really good custom made operating agreement if you are an LLC, or knock one off from a well established club that has been around the block a time or two. Don't just use the agreement form that comes with the Black Beauty kit. A penny spent today may well save a dollar down the road.


Remember, a camel is a horse built by committee.


And call Wayne at SPORTSINSURANCE.COM (519)891-2020 for a quote for site insurance. You'll find good coverage at a very reasonable price.


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  • Baller
An LLC or other entity may provide some group-liability protection, but natural people are generally liable for their own torts, even if acting as an agent of an LLC. Get good liability insurance with the advice of someone who knows how to buy insurance that actually covers the correct risks and make sure all the members are "additional insureds" on the policy. There are no legal documents that you can make people sign that are true a substitute for good liability insurance.
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