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MM Level 10? New rule?


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  • Baller
I just heard a rumor that MM must ski MM at regionals and Nationals if they achieve some level. Any truth to this? What about overall? Can they ski MM trick and jump without qualification if they are forced to ski MM slalom?
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Yea I heard some rumors to this effect last week. I am sure the details will be out in a week or so.
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  • Baller
yes ZBS was approved for all ages and all classes, E, L , R. So you make 6 buoys you can choose to go faster or shorten the line. L10 was approved, its a long rule but the main parts are this. A rating chart was set to determine a new level 10, if there are 5 skiers with that rating then L10 becomes mandatory for those skiers and any others with that rating. if there are not 5 they are not forced to go compete against no one. level 9 and 10 skiers regardless of whether mandatory or not also have the option of not having their scores count for age division if they ski it. So if nate Smith needs a CC and M2 is CC he can do so for score only, all placement and rankings will only go into Open men. For overall as said above skiers with only 1 event in L10 will ski open or masters for placement in their event and then again in age division for their overall score. The NCWSA also passed the mini course as part of slalom, very excited about this and those min course green buoys will count as 1/2 buoys. There will be much more on this but this is the main parts.
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  • Baller
@JeffSurdej Thanks for the information. I have a few questions. Does this mean that women can choose to ski @36mph? Also, has the scoring software been updated to allow the ZBS to be entered in the skier's current division. Last year my son opted up above his division's max speed and he could not be scored in his division due to software limitations.
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  • Baller
tops for womens is 34, men 36, however the juniors the max speeds are as they are now (30 for B1, G1, 32 for G2, 34 for G3-B2, and 36 for B3) , the ZBS for them just allows them to shorten the line before max. So this may be why it would not allow it you last year, a B2 can not go 36 under ZBS
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@JeffSurdej Is that correct? M3, M4 & M5 can not ski at 36 for 6 more balls? I think that is what you typed but I just want to confirm that is what you mean. If so, what is the argument for it.


I think it is great to allow a 14 year old to stay at 34 and shorten if they are not ready for 36. I think it also makes sense for a M6 yo say at 34 if they want. In the world of M3, M4, M5 & MM I am not sure if I like this or not.

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  • Baller_

@Horton and @JeffSurdej, it looks like my 36 mph scores are now factored into my current M4 ranking. And, it looks like I am getting the extra 6 buoys for the higher speed.


I'm assuming I can select to top out at 34 mph in one round of a tournament and 36 mph in another. If so, that is awesome.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller

So, just to clarify another scenario. You have M7 (current max 32) its Nationals, one skier runs 35 off at 32 for a score of 90. Skier two runs one buoy at 35 off at 34 and his score is 91. Is there a max? If skier three (again, M7) wants to ski 36 can he? Can he ski two at 32 off 36 mph and win this scenario?

This harkens back to a thread a couple of months ago. At that time no one felt it was good for older skiers to ski any faster than the current (at that time) max. I know BOS doesn't set rules, but this ruling (if I interpret correctly) seems to go against the grain of BOS followers.

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  • Baller_
I already know one newly minted M7 skier here that does not like 32 mph and will be ecstatic to ski 34 mph. He probably could do 36 mph, too, but I don't think he would really want to.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

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  • Baller
@MISkier not going to lie, it could be a few months, Dave Clark is the keeper of the rankings and has recently retired from Waterskiing. We can thank him enough for all he has done for the sport. If anyone is out there that can help take over programming needs for AWSA rankings and sanctioning system we are trying to phase in some new blood at these volunteer spots.
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  • Baller
Based on the matrix used for juniors last season, a skier may "go down and/or to the right". Meaning shorten or speed up or both. My interpretation has always been that this effectively negates the need to run any specific speed to garner credit for the speed/line length that is currently being attempted. Long explanation short, yes the score would be 87. Take a look at 2016 rules that applied only to juniors in class "C" situations. My take is that everyone will have the same options in 2017.
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  • Baller
@LeonL that was my understanding of the rule from last year as well. The only problem was in order for a boys 2 skier to be scored at 36mph, the scorer had to enter him as a boys 3 skier due to software limitations. @klindy can you clarify?
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  • Baller
@klindy Can you clarify if junior skiers are allowed to ski above their division's max speed? Jeff indicated in an earlier post that they were not allow to ski at faster speed, only shorten lines before they get to max speed, a change from last year's rule. IE can B2 ski and get scored @ 36mph.
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I have mixed feelings on the max speed rule changes. I like the idea of juniors and new tournament skiers having the ability to shorten before their max speed to help them get the excitement of shortening the rope. For the M3,4, 5 etc being able to now ski 36 is what I'm not sure about, particularly at tournaments like regionals and nationals. I've always liked idea of an even playing field (same boat, driver, course, speed, etc.) for everyone. The guy in front of you gets 2 @ 38, you know you need to get to 3 to beat him, and so does everyone onshore watching as well. As a new to M3 skier I was having fun at 34 in the fall, now I'm not sure if I'll start practicing at 34 or 36 come spring.
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  • Baller

@sunperch The junior divisions are set up as max age and under. So for B2 it's 13 years and younger. My understanding is that the max speeds for B/G 1 and 2 are still set at the previous maximum (so 34mph for B2). Therefore, in order for a boy who is 13 or younger to ski at 36mph he would have to ski in B3. His score would count in B3 and NOT in B2. So I don't think there are any changes. If he want's to ski at 36, he needs to ski in B3 and the same rules apply where he can shorten or speed up or both.


I also understand that for inclusion on the IWWF ranking list, a skier must ski a full pass at their divisions max speed. So a B3 skier who opts to ski at 34mph will not have their score get on the IWWF ranking list.

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  • Baller

I think the ZBS is great, my wife came home very excited after reading on BOS that it was approved. She hates 34/15. She likes to go 32/15, 32/22 then 34/22. If it gets her more excited about skiing and allows her to ski in tournaments, like she does in practice. All the better. Its all about giving skiers options.


It will be great to see @dirt be able to jump more with the new L10 rule. I hear he likes lots of gas into the ramp! :)

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