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Terry Winter at quarter speed.


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  • Baller

For the pullout how would you describe it?

-Drop hips?

-Bend knees?


This is just one aspect of the video that stands out. Very similar to how Regina pulls out. I ask because from here it appears they pull out with out pulling against or away from the boat, but rather more in the direction of travel. Something I struggle to do correctly.


How is this done in a controlled, consistent manner?

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  • Baller

For the pullout how would you describe it?

-Drop hips?

-Bend knees?


This is just one aspect of the video that stands out. Very similar to how Regina pulls out. I ask because from here it appears they pull out with out pulling against or away from the boat, but rather more in the direction of travel. Something I struggle to do correctly.


How is this done in a controlled, consistent manner?

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  • Elite Skier
@cragginshred a couple of keys I feel on the pullout are 1) starting off over the front foot and really feel and even see the tip of the ski engaging in the water as I move out 2) completely even pressure with my hands on the handle... I'm not twisting away or into the movement, just letting the hands be 50/50 pressure on the handle. From that the shoulders will face right down the length of the rope, and that will help you move or lean more in the direction of travel instead of loading up so much against the boat.
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  • Elite Skier
@cragginshred a couple of keys I feel on the pullout are 1) starting off over the front foot and really feel and even see the tip of the ski engaging in the water as I move out 2) completely even pressure with my hands on the handle... I'm not twisting away or into the movement, just letting the hands be 50/50 pressure on the handle. From that the shoulders will face right down the length of the rope, and that will help you move or lean more in the direction of travel instead of loading up so much against the boat.
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  • Baller
This video never gets old. I've been nursing a problematic rear foot for a many years. When I go to physical therapy or when I signed up with a trainer I use this video to show them the extreme forces associated with slalom. I usually stop the video after two ball as most people's attention span won't last that long and we all know it looks the same whether they're running -32 or -39 off. But after that short clip they always react with an, "oh, I thought you were on two skies doing the whip and fun stuff like that". Nobody really gets it, do they?
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  • Baller
This video never gets old. I've been nursing a problematic rear foot for a many years. When I go to physical therapy or when I signed up with a trainer I use this video to show them the extreme forces associated with slalom. I usually stop the video after two ball as most people's attention span won't last that long and we all know it looks the same whether they're running -32 or -39 off. But after that short clip they always react with an, "oh, I thought you were on two skies doing the whip and fun stuff like that". Nobody really gets it, do they?
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  • Baller

What I love, love, love in this video is how obvious it is that the hips and core are leading the charge through the entire pass. Some might call it "stack" but I feel that it's more than stance. It's a mindset of lower body being in control of the ski and directional changes vs. upper body.


When you are an ass-back/hip-dragger and watch someone ski like this (and really any shortline skier who runs, say 35 off does this to some extent, it seems like you can run up to about -32 with ass-back upper body skiing) what you are seeing is a different definition of how speed and width are created. You have to redefine your definition of in-course technique if you are skiing with your hips back. I believe the extent to which you do this is directly proportional to your shortline success and efficiency.


This will 100% be my goal this year. Stand over my feet, hips forward. Buoy count will be a distant second to figuring out how to actually ski right.

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  • Baller

What I love, love, love in this video is how obvious it is that the hips and core are leading the charge through the entire pass. Some might call it "stack" but I feel that it's more than stance. It's a mindset of lower body being in control of the ski and directional changes vs. upper body.


When you are an ass-back/hip-dragger and watch someone ski like this (and really any shortline skier who runs, say 35 off does this to some extent, it seems like you can run up to about -32 with ass-back upper body skiing) what you are seeing is a different definition of how speed and width are created. You have to redefine your definition of in-course technique if you are skiing with your hips back. I believe the extent to which you do this is directly proportional to your shortline success and efficiency.


This will 100% be my goal this year. Stand over my feet, hips forward. Buoy count will be a distant second to figuring out how to actually ski right.

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@twhisper skied today after reading your post and thought about just those two statements you made. Been struggling for a while getting wide and still in control on my gate. Didn't try 35 but had some of the best 28s and 32s I have had I a while. Now if I can just remember to remember those. Thanks for being a help to all and yes I love watching that video over and over!
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  • Baller
@twhisper great point on the 50/50 hands/handle pressure! I have never thought of that, and I can almost say for certain, that I am not doing even pressure. When you come back to Hilltop you will have to remind me of that point! Hope you and the family are well! Todd
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Love to watch that video of Terry and had the privilege of watching him from the boat about 7 years ago. A group of us were at Sunset Ranch when Terry and four other pros along with Todd and the waterski mag camera crew showed up to film for Edged in Water Two. I don't believe they ever used any of the footage but it was great fun to watch. I was in the boat when Will Asher took a stab at the lake record. He got inside six at 41 off.


A mutual friend, Scott Rabeneau, who is also a very good coach said it best when he said he would rather watch Terry run 32 off than other pros make shorter passes. Anyway, here is another video of a guy with great form that some people aren't familiar with. His name is Wim Decree and if you go to Schnitz's site you can watch it in slo mo. It's great to watch if you're LFF.


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If any of you guys are interested, more videos are available of Terry on his new site... www.trainwithterrywinter.com. He has a video library that he is continually adding new videos. Also, there is information about skiing with him in California, dates and pricing.
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  • Baller

I tried Terrys tip Sunday and really felt a difference.! I think most would agree sinply thinking 'front foot' is not enough...TW added feel and even see the tip of the ski engage the water.

I did not look down to look for the tip but I felt it. With the wind and rain Sunday it was not optimal to work on this but I felt more of the front of the ski loaded -so thank you Terry!

BTW I will check out his site too!

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  • Baller

On a cold winter evening after dinner last week...

Me to the family while pulling up this video: “This might help provide some off season motivation.”

Son: “Is that Terry Winter at quarter speed? I already watched it and Stare today at school during lunch.”


I couldn’t be more proud if he saved a runaway bus full of orphans.

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  • Baller
I think Terry's edge change you refer to (flip) is more exaggerated than most. My view is he's able to do that because he can create crazy angle and speed, seemingly more than most but I guess in reality it's not much different from anyone running those line lengths. @horton?
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I started a separate thread on this exact topic. I don't really want to speak for @twhisper. I have a theory about why his edge change looks so distinct but it would be better to hear it from him.

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