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  • Baller

Ya, off topic, I know. Was just reflecting on the sport that was my first love and thought I'd share something probably none of you would have guessed. By the time I was a sophomore in high school, I started dunking. One-handed, off the run, every time. That was fun! Started working harder. By my senior year, I could get eye-level with the rim and reach over the top of the painted box. Then it got really fun!!! My arsenal at the time included cradles, left-handed, right-handed, two-handed tomahawks, 180s, up and unders, and alley oops. Just after high school playing pick up ball I ripped down a glass backboard with a big two-hander.


Of course, taking a 190 lb guy up in the air and back down all those times is why I have knee problems now!!!

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  • Elite Skier
@Razorskier1 growing up as a 3-event skier, I always enjoyed playing basketball and continued to do so until I was 16. My coaches were actually quite happy with that off-season sport as they believed that it contained a lot of important aspects that could transfer to skiing, particularly tricking. Spacial awareness, rotations, symmetry of motor skills… Now, we send early teenagers to "work out so that their skiing will be better". Quite a boring off-season endeavor…

Ski coach at Jolly Ski, Organizer of the San Gervasio Pro Am (2023 Promo and others), Co-Organizer of the Jolly Clinics.

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  • Baller
I miss playing. It's so hard on the knees, back, ego.... I quit playing 3 years ago because of a bulging disc in my lower back. My knees, ankles and back all feel better since then. I feel good enough now that I'm toying with the idea of starting up again. The risk of injury is the main thing holding me back.
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  • Baller

Don't forget the post-game. Some random 6 foot 5 guy would try to back Jim down in the post only to see the ball get swatted into the stands.


Break away lay-ups???? Not on Jim's watch...chase 'em down and swat it off the back board or into the stands.


As for his own post play...back that same 6 foot 5 guy down in the post and let him deal with a right or left-handed jump hook.


It didn't say "Ross" on one of Jim's jerseys...it said "Sky" (no kidding).

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  • Baller
Favorite time of year for bball fans. I played a lot from the time I was 7 to 30. Stopped to preserve my ankles, knees, shoulders and elbows for skiing. Coached the town rec league for 10 years, and am just finishing up my 10th year as an IABBO ref. Will end up with about 40 games this year. Go UConn Huskies
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  • Baller
Basketball was my sportsman well. No exploits like @Razorskier1. I played high school ball and was an assistant high school coach for several years. Had a vertical of about 13". Love the game but I'm just too old for anything but spectating. As they say, if you can't be an athlete, be an athletic supporter.
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  • Baller

Back in the day, at 6'1" I could almost get my elbow on the rim. Me and my buddies all were river skiers and played hoops, and thought the skiing helped build our legs up for jumping. 9/10 guys on my Jr basketball team could dunk, which you don't even see much today. A few of us still play pickup games on Sundays. At 57, we are getting to be the old timers, but one guy has us beat, around 61 I think. I call it jogging and shooting anymore...




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  • Baller_

I played a lot of basketball when I was younger. At the lake I skied at shortly out of college, there was a goal and I would play Ken White one on one almost every day I was at the lake. We played dead even, even though I was 25 and he was close to 50. Tough, ornery old SOB.


For most of us, trying to play now would be a classic case of the mind being willing and the body flipping back the middle finger. Sprained ankles, sore knees, pulled hamstrings and shoulders that won't move like they did 30 years ago would not be a pretty picture.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller
@Bruce_Butterfield - this is so true. I played point guard in high school and LoVED the game; even weirdly kept a ball in my room at night because I guess I thought I'd somehow get better that way? Anyway, I play now with my 8th and 4th grade boys in the driveway. The other day a dunk contest broke out. I dug deep for my high school hops and actually still delivered ok. The downside started the next day when my knees started barking at me. I swear that dunk contest had a seven day recovery. Total bulsh. Getting old sucks
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  • Baller

Ahhhh, the memories. I started dunking the summer between my freshman and sophomore year in high school as well at 6'1" and topped out 6'5" or so. I could also do most every type of dunk, but I think my favorite was an alley oop in the half court offense or a put back offensive rebound dunk. Something about having all 9 other players on the court in close proximity was more rewarding than a break away. Up until this year I've always dunked at least once per year just to say I can still do it. Sadly, I didn't get it done at age 41 this past year, but only because I didn't try. I know I still can, and probably easier than the last time as I'm 40+ pounds lighter than the last time I dunked a ball. Surprisingly, my neck fusion surgery causes the most limitation as it flat out hurts to extend/land/look up/etc. during the process.


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  • Baller
Gravity and I have a much closer relationship than you guys I guess. I could dunk on a breakaway or flat-footed going straight up, but just barely, even at 6'5". :( I have more of a Tight-end's build than a hoops star unfortunately. Was always a good shot blocker and passer since I had quick hands, but my lack of hops was annoying.
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  • Baller
Let time I dunked was early 40's at around 205. Still can bang some threes in, no matter how long I haven't played. Like riding a bike, albeit a slower clunkier version! No more driving or "jumping" in crowds though.
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  • Baller
@6balls - the real problem is it takes forever to heal as you get older. A jammed finger lasts months, and may never get back to 100%. As we get even older, a lot of seniors die of a broken hip from a fall. It sets off calamities and their health deteriorates rapidly. Going through that with my mom right now. Shocking to see the decline in three months.
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