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women's slalom ski recommendation


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Hi everyone, I'm getting back into slalom skiing after a decade long hiatus and am hoping to get some recommendations on slalom skis. I was previously skiing in the 34mph 15 off-22 off range. After all the time out of the water I've been taking it slow and running passes at 28mph, just working on form and trying not to injure myself. I'm hoping that with year round skiing I'll be able to progress beyond where I was previously. I'm also creeping toward women's 3 and unlikely to ski any tournaments this year or next so I may just give up my 34mph pass and focus on 22 off at 32mph when I get there. I'm currently skiing on a 2004ish HO Truth which was my baby 13 years ago, but it seems the skis have changed so much and I'm tempted to try out the new technology. Unfortunately, I'm outside of the continental US with no ski shops around so I don't think demo-ing one is an option. I've totally lost track of ski brands but it seems everyone here is on a Radar senate. I've also been looking at the D3 ARC-s or syndicate VTR. I have a tendency to ski overly aggressively and pull too hard. The last time I demo-ed skis I really preferred the more aggressive style of the HOs over the KDs people were skiing on at the time. I'm also skiing on salt water which is new to me. Do those 3 sounds like good options? Is one obviously better for my situation than the others? Any others that I should be considering? Thanks!
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67" is probably a little long for me. I'm thinking I'll need a 65 or 66 depending on how quickly and effectively I lose my grad school 15 :) I've read that the VTR is not as good for people who tend to "pull to hard." I've now mentally associated it with the style of the old KDs that felt less aggressive, but I could be completely misinterpreting. Have you found that to be true?
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Seems I've been misinformed! Someone said that to me in the boat the other day and it seemed to good to be true. Apparently it was. Thanks for clearing that up. I guess I'm looking for a ski to use at 34mph :)
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I'm female, a little older.... I just bought a Radar Vapor Graphite, and am loving it! Very forgiving ski and seems faster than my old D3. The Graphite is supposed to be more forgiving and softer flexing than the Lithium, which you might prefer if skiing 34 and more aggressive. I also had an HO Truth, you will be very impressed with the new skis, you probably won't be disappointed with any of them.
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Thanks for the tips everyone!. DaveLemons, I'm intrigued by this new HO. Any more info? mopowpow, How did you choose the Graphite for yourself? Do you think the vapor is significantly better than the senate?
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  • Baller
@abski the good news here is that technology and ski construction has changed DRAMATICALLY since the truth out and the new core construction of the skis will greatly enhance your ease of skiing. If you can afford to go with a PVC core ski...by all means do it. I tell customers its like like buying a car with a bigger motor...you might not need all the power...but it sure makes easier to from point a to point b with less effort, and as they've really figured out how to make skis torsionally stiff...but still soft tip to tail....you can have a softer flexing ski that turns easily that super fast also. I'd be happy to help in any way I can....I love the process of helping skiers transition from an older technology ski to a newer one. We have D3, HO, Radar, and Obrien skis in stock....will help however we/I can. Message me your info if I can help. Bill @ Performance.
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@abski, the reason I chose the Vapor over the Senate is due to length. I like a 66" ski, and the Senate only comes in 65" and 67". With my weight and ability, I was right in the middle of the size chart. I really didn't want to go back to a 67" ski, this is what I used when learning the course. I always had to mess with the fin to make a 67" turn. I thought getting a 65" would negate the extra width of the Senate.

I went with the Graphite knowing that at my age, I really don't push it anymore and thought the Lithium might be overkill. I just go out and enjoy running the course and the speeds/length I know I can handle, and ski smoothly. Also, the price was great!

I might have changed my mind if I lived somewhere that was convenient for demoing skis....

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  • Baller_
I know a broke student working 2 jobs looking for a women's ski with some size 9 bindings. She borrowed a neighbors P6 last week, got up on her first try and even ran 3 of the 6 mini course balls. If anyone has an old Theory or the like wasting space and wants to see it go to a good home, PM me.
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@MS, I've got my old D3 Z7 ST for sale, 66", I think from 2010. Asking $225, that price was in the middle of like skis on ski-it-again. I also have a pair for Radar RS-1s, size nine, they've seen better days, but are still functional. I think they need some footbeds.




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