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Bend knees coming into offside turn?


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  • Baller

I have worked hard at not killing the gates and my stack as well, however, often times I am still really fast into 3 and 5 ball (RFF). A ski buddy suggested bending my knees a bit as I come into 1/3/5 and it really worked to keep me in a controlled speed, off the handle a little longer, and riders said I skied back to a stacked position nicely.


My default stack position is knees bent but from video I know I stand up going into the turns and often times end up on my back foot even if the tip does not rise up.


Side note 111* in Nor Cal tomorrow

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Knees are just linage between your feet and your body. Bent could be good or bad.


If you are driving your front knee and hips forward that is very good.


If you are bending your knees and moving your hips back that is very bad.


If you are bending and not moving your mass forward (or backwards) what is the value?

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  • Baller
I spent last weekend skiing with Zane Nicholson and he was saying keeping soft AND bent knees, said that straight and stiff knees force you to the back of the ski and makes it nearly impossible to slow down before the ball. I worked on it last set and skied very well
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  • Baller
@Stevie Boy i am with you on that. I always tell people to bend at the ankles and not even mention knees. One guy i have been helping said that it really clicked with him when i mentioned the ankles and thats what he focuses on now. Helps him set up for his pass.
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  • Baller

@ColeGiacopuzzi that's a better way to describe it as it relates to the hips because in general from a biomechanical stand point in stance if you flex your ankles your knees will bend as a result, however as stated by Horton the hips can move posterior or anterior -one good the other not so much.


Good stuff!



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To restate what a number of folks have said. It is a common mistake to think about bending knees and ending up moving your mass back. As long as you move forward it is all good.
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