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The level 8 cutoff score for G2 Slalom is listed as 54 bouys, 6@30.4mph/LL. Can a G2 skier qualify for Nationals with a score of 6@28.6mph/15 off?
  • Baller
How does ZBS apply for the kids competing at Nationals? I thought I had seen some things that said it doesn't apply at Nationals but it does for qualification.
  • Baller_
@Chef23, I believe you can still shorten before divisional max speed and get credit at those events. It is when you opt to ski faster than your traditional age division max that you do not get the commensurate score and are scored as though you skied at the divisional max speed.

The worst slalom equipment I own is between my ears.

  • Baller

I don't believe the lower speed buoys count for world rankings (which you can get at Nationals). @JeffSurdej ?


Also be aware that some older scoring programs might not record or transmit the lower speed scores properly. I have a score in the ranking list that did not give me credit for the underspeed shortenings. If the scores are critical, check the results and make sure they match the performance.


ZBS is fun!



  • Baller
@TDL yes she can, in fact with ZBS perhaps we should have only displayed a buoy count as there are many ways to achieve it now. @Chef23 ZBS can be used at Nationals for kids, it can be used for adults too but they can not go above div max. Kids can not go above max at any class actually. @eleeski You are correct, if someone goes below div max with ZBS at Nationals or any E,L,R they will not get a world rankings score but they can do it. Hope that answered everyone questions. http://www.usawaterski.org/pages/divisions/3event/2018Level8RatingsChart.pdf
  • Baller
Imo ZBS is one of the best moves the sport has made in a long time. It's fun to shorten the rope. At 57 I skied more sets this year and this was the first season in the past 4 or 5 that I haven't struggled with nagging injuries. I attribute that to training at 32mph. I look forward to returning to a few local tourneys next season. Thanks to @JeffSurdej and others at USAWS.

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