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Online judges clinic Schedules?


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My judges rating will expire Jan 1 because I need a clinic. I know there is an online clinic option.


Where is the schedule for the online clinics?

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  • Baller
@Horton the are two options. You can do a "continuing education" on the USAWS website and send in $10 for a clinic credit. Option two is is a "Go to Meeting" clinic conducted by Bob Harris. Contact Bob at rbtharris@yahoo.com for the next clinic that he's doing.
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  • Baller
Go here - http://www.usawaterski.org/pages/officials/awsa/awsaofficialscontinuingeducation.htm - (I purposely left the link long so you can see the path) - to take the Contunuiing Education exercise. They are a valid replacement t for a clinic IF you send $10 to USAWaterski. There are 4 modules - one is general and the other are for each individual event. By far the easiest way to keep current.
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