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Best water ski shops in the SF Bay Area?


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I live in Canada, but am in the Bay Area for work for a few days, and thought I could use this opportunity to get a new ski (mine is 10yrs old), since prices in the US are better. Any recommendations for a shop? It would be nice if they had a large stock of skis, since I can't wait for them to order the ski that I want. I am thinking of getting a Senate.


Thanks in advance!

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  • Elite Skier

You can drive to Liquid Zone, about an hour and a half from the Bay, and get some ski rides and demo some skis. We have the new KD Platinums https://www.kdskisusa.com/ and Connelly’s and with some notice can get a few other brands for you to try.




I’ll be there in March, but the lake is available for ski rides and coaching any time. They also have the latest ProStars to ski behind.


Terry Winter

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@loki I don't believe there is comprehensive shop in the state of California anymore. There are really only a handful left in the country. The water ski business has almost completely moved online.


Your best option is to visit http://www.perfski.com

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  • Baller

@Horton with all due respect, the business model has changed but not disappeared. Like @twhisper noted above most “water ski shops” are now pro shops as part of a larger effort including ski lakes and coaching and ski schools. True that www.perfski.com and others like Wiley’s are still moving along and the online business is certainly there.


Personally I think what @twhisper suggests is about as good as it gets. “Try before you buy”.

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@klindy I would bet that most skis are now sold mail order.


@Loki What @twhisper said. Go to LiquidZone if you have the chance. If you are shopping for a ski or not you want to to ski with Terry.

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  • Gold Member
@ALPjr Unfortunately those shops are all gone. Liquid Zone would be the best. I think Pat Kennelly is still in business in the Sacramento area, the only other ones would be Nor Cal Mastercraft and Central Valley Marine, not sure if they have much stock if any. @Loki not sure where you are in Bay Area, but there a few other lakes you might be able to ski between Liquid Zone and South San Jose. Liquid Zone is the best. Was there Sunday water wasn't too cold and sun shining. Don't think there is a nicer lake.
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Thanks for the suggestions! I am in Sunnyvale, so Liquid Zone is a bit far, plus I didn't bring any gear this time, not even the swim trunks, lol. Next time I am here, I should be better prepared :)


@wski1831 Are there any lakes closer to Sunnyvale that you can recommend?

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  • Baller

Not answering your original question ...

Wrt ski sites, aside from Liquid zone (which looks amazing but is a bit of a drive from Sunnyvale) or ski sunset ranch (which I've been to and is awesome), there is a water ski club up in Berkley. That was the closest option I found when I lived in the Bay Area. That said, I was mostly there for work, so never took the time to go - and found info on the web fairly opaque. But I'd look into it if you're there often.


I was always surprised there wasn't more options local.

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  • Gold Member
The closest would be the Pond in south San Jose. It's at Monterey Highway and Metcalf Rd, San Jose. The Santa Clara County Water Ski Club has a web site. That's where I ski. Let me know next time you're in town and we'll get you a ride. Berleley would be a good option too, but is closed during winter. @mateovargas is the man for Berkeley.
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