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Spring time???!!


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  • Baller

So way up here in Canada we’re supposed to be looking forward to some slightly warmer weather this time of year! Most years I can hope to get out skiing for a set at the end of April or early May, well today we had a serious ice storm with high wind which split a tree that ended up on our boat lift!! I guess the silver lining is that the boat was not sitting in it!





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  • Baller

Um...you have open water in Canada? We have 2 feet of ice west of Minneapolis and just got buried in snow...again! Last year ice was "out" March 1 will be lucky to see it by May 1 this year.

Having said that sorry about your boat lift.

Last winter we had a very rare big south wind...flipped up our trampoline into our boat lift on our yard...the big sail drove it across our yard into our house. Damage all around under very strange circumstances. Good news is it just missed our bedroom window that night which would have been a particularly more rude awakening than the one we got.

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  • Baller
Yeah has been open for about a week. Haha we are likely much further south than you are in MN! It does look like a daunting task to get the lift back upright and then get an idea of any damage that is done.
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  • Baller

30 inches of fresh snow up at the lake in Wisconsin. Blizzard conditions, and the worst blizzard in that part of WI since the 1800s.


Oh, and the roof of a hotel caved in in Green Bay. Fortunately no injuries as it didn't happen in one big crash.

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  • Baller
Our lake is still frozen. Son's school is closed today here in Toronto because of the ice storm. Just saw a piece on the local news that thousands of people are stranded at the airport. something like 40,000 people without power in southern Ontario.
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  • Baller
Yikes! Hopefully everyone is OK in the storm areas. We have snow today in Alberta, and then fingers crossed, what looks like a change in temperature that might help get the ice off the lakes in 2-3 weeks. Not holding my breath on a warm spring...
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  • Baller
Still snowing here in the Adirondacks, lake is still 90% frozen. Going for a Cross Country ski after work again today. Oh well, good way to keep the Cardio conditioning going before H2O ski season starts. Might even break 40 degrees by Saturday. One more weekend of lift served snow skiing at Whiteface, might even actually resemble spring skiing, pond skimming Saturday am assuming they can break the ice cover off first.
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