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Grip question


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  • Baller_

Use the overhand grip on your deep water start, switch to regular before the gate pullout, then switch back to overhand once you exit the course.


It’s a little thing that can have a big effect on the amount of abuse the elbows take in slalom skiing.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller

Thanks guys!

I'm already doing what BB suggests- I'm also taking a week off from erging and lifting to see if that helps. Kinesio tape, deep tissue massage and graston scraping have all helped but in a minor way.

Also- I'm ordering a large handle to supplement my standard one.

2 weeks in Europe w/o skiing might help next month...

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  • Baller
As a point of curiosity, what diameter handle are you using? Bit of a Goldylocks situation where to small or large diameter can both lead to a person over gripping the handle and pulling in a little rather than keeping the arms straight. If you are holding the handle down in your palms try letting it out into your fingers, it's a stronger grip with less effort and less strain on the joints so that could help.
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  • Baller

I'm more of a finger tip kind of guy to start- using a ML 1.030 standard- going to a 1.1" soon; have had issues like this in the past but they've never lasted this long- must be from the erging and lifting aggrevated by the fact that I'm now 60


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  • Baller

I flared up golfers elbow from lifting, I got it 95% better over the winter with the theraband twist bars.


In addition to the suggestions above, I am fan of the masterline clinchers gloves with the dowel & strap that transfer the load to your bone structure.


Initially you have to think about opening your hand as you release while going around the ball - but it’s second nature now for me anyways.


You are more “locked in” to the handle in a crash, but it’s never been an issue for me. I get at 36mph this could be more problematic, but I’ not running that fast...

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  • Baller_
I have found with most injuries, that proper rehab/strengthening is the best solution. There is a myriad of forearm and elbow exercises, but the most effective one I’ve used is what I’ll call wrist rotations. Use a short (12”) bar with a 2-5lb weight on one end. A hammer works well too. Hold your elbow close to your side and forearm horizontal in front of you and slowly rotate the weight as far as you can in both directions. Work to fatigue. You can do this several times a day and see if you get relief over a few weeks time.

If it was easy, they would call it Wakeboarding

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  • Baller
I have been using the palm down grip since the nineties. First used it on a Tri Grip handle but when they were gone I switched to a US Gear Radius @1.060 dia. With US Gear looking to be history I am considering trying the In Tow version. I will miss those rounded corners. I was having serious elbow issues and switching grips solved that and have not looked back.
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