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Ski for FREE in St Louis area June 9/10 behind a 2019 Ski Nautique coached by Ryan Dodd!!


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  • Baller

If you can get to the St. Louis area this weekend you can ski for free behind this boat on this private lake coached by world jump champ Ryann Dodd in the Nautique Swervin Weekend. Anyone from "haven't learned to ski yet" to advanced slalom skiers are welcome. This is sponsored by Nautique and HO Skis and completely free to participants. Free skiing, free lunch, free snacks, free t-shirt, free swag! There are still a few slots available and it would be a shame to have any unused. Simply click here to sign up in the Western Illinois link. This will be held ad Lake of Dreams in Jerseyville, IL, which is approx 40 minutes northeast of downtown St. Louis.


Also if you are a jumper and would like to participate in a jump clinic tomorrow (June 8, 2018) there are a few slots available for that as well. You must be an AWSA member to participate in the jump clinic (not needed for the swervin' weekend). To sign up go to this LINK.






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