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finDB V2 : fin database


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  • Baller

The only mobile app providing all stock settings for high end water skis with the ability to save your custom ski settings for an unlimited number of skis.


finDB version 2 is available:

IOS on iTunes

Android on Google Play


Mostly performance updates for increased speed, but here's the list from the change log:

  • Speed SmartList for ski selection
  • Add brand logos
  • More responsive and robust email service.
  • Consolidate service calls to increase speed
  • Upgrade client framework to F7 version 2
  • Update cordova API's


As always, please let me know if you have any issues.


Paul Santangelo

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  • Baller

@customski , those are both bugs that will be resolved in the next release in a few days. However, a workaround to add a second ski, is to log out and log back in.


Denali is actually in the database, but they do not have stock settings, so it will not show up when out of session/not logged in, but should show up when in session/logged in (current bug).


There are a few other bugs I found this morning that I've fixed. The Android version is available ( version 2.0.6 ), but the IOS version is still being reviewed by Apple. Will likely be available tonight/tomorrow.


Version 2x was a major update, so you may find a few more issues. Please report when you do.




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  • Baller

@Bill22 , notes are added with the pencil/paper icon in the upper right corner. Notes are saved for the current settings only and all notes for all previous settings are in "Setup History" for each saved setting.


V 2.0.7 will also show the notes for the current settings on the landing page (My Setup) , thanks to a suggestion from @customski . Previous setting notes are accessed through selecting "Settings >" or "Setup History" in the menu.


Here is a screenshot of 2.0.7 (currently available for Android. IOS should be later today)



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  • Baller
I keep all my settings on the app. Works great. I think Paul starts with known or published factory numbers for each ski. Your record is what adjustments you make from there. Does Denali have a set factory number for their ski? If not this may be the issue.
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  • Baller

@C5Quest , I don't have a delete function for ski's you've added to you list. Maybe in the future.


@aupatking , that's correct regarding Denali stock settings. My app doesn't accommodate ranges for stock settings. Also, the app doesn't accommodate ski's that don't have specified lengths. If Denali wants to have their skis added to the app, they can contact me and give me some specifics I can work with.


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