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...my comeback is on


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  • Baller

After blowing a disc in my back this spring, I had lots of pain down my leg (sciatica) and a left foot drop. I did all the conservative stuff...PT, steroids, epidural injection. After 2 months no better...wheels in motion to schedule surgery. For whatever reason about that time it began improving daily. 10 days no meds now, basically symptom free and my foot drop is almost completely resolved.

Played tennis with my daughter a few nights ago...no problem and I could run/jump/start/stop. Yesterday for caution did a hole shot on two skis, dropped one and free skied 28 off 34 mph probably 35-40 cuts all said and done. Sure felt good to be on the water again. Might just finish the summer in MN here free skiing...not going to risk progress here. Hopefully get to where hole shots solo are ok again...maybe a buoy or two by summer's end who knows...a few 28 offs never hurt anyone, right?

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@6balls That is good news. As someone who has suffered with disc issues in the lower back, I only recently tried a "spinal decompression table" treatment @ chiropractors. (expensive equipment) About once a month for the last 5 months and have had no pain since doing this; it is amazing for me. Something to keep in mind for the future, takes about 10 to 12 minutes. Dave
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  • Baller

Making it further...skied two sets today. First one up on two skis and a pile of turns at 28 off 34 mph. Later today first hole shot on a slalom since back injury and it went great. Another pile of turns at 28 n 34.

Likely back in the course soon at 28 n 34...see where we go from there. Thankful to be back in the game and progressing cautiously.

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  • Baller
@6balls are your symptoms completely gone or are you skiing through some pain still and it is just less. I am trying to work through my own issues and I am not pain free but skiing through some pain and if it doesn't get worse after skiing so far I have felt like I am no worse.
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Long term sufferer, L4, L5, S1, and really back on the water for the first time in years.


If I can offer a word of advice it would be to pay the most attention to the deepwater starts. Tremendous loads in an awkward position can cause a relapse. Go for slower steady starts and be very conscious of form, if it feels wrong let go. Gutting it out just isn't worth it.



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  • Baller_
Have to +1 for let go. It's embarrassing, and depressing but my ski buddy's know and encourage me by letting me know it was worth letting go as they can see ones that would take a little extra umph. The running joke is if the pass did not go well at least the deep water start was an A+.
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  • Baller
@Chef23 pain free for the moment. @j2nh a bad hole shot is what got me early spring...seems stupid I'm more used to getting hurt in the extreme...but then I've already had one back surgery so I'm damaged goods...and likely a bit more fragile than I would like. I did eventually "let go" of that hole shot but it was too late I really got folded up.
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  • Baller

Sorry to keep bumping a personal thread...progressive stuff. Ran more passes at 28 off 34 today in the morning...feels like I could go shorter no problem just being careful--what fun just being wide/early.


A friend wanted to barefoot this afternoon--dude I skied barefoot endurance nat's with early 90's. Put my barefoot suit on first time in 3 years. Deep start, tumble-turns, body slides. Boat not fast enuff for one-foots. In any event lotsa fun.


A few more sets at 28 off and it's going to be hard to keep me there. I know I can rip 32 and 35 just trying to be smart (for once).

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  • Baller
Great news. I am with you taking it slow. I got on my regular ski for the first time in 2 years and ran some 32/22s. I am going to ski a couple of more sets like this before shorten at 32 then speed up to 34. Slower definitely has less load on my back. I felt like 30 mph 32 off had less load then 32/22.
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