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Kneed knee injury advice


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Can anyone recommend a good Orthopedic that really understands slalom skiing mechanics? I have a lateral meniscus tear along with worn cartilage in my left (back) knee and want a second opinion from a Specialist that really understands what we do. I have MRI results. Thanks!
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I have a different knee issue, but I was very impressed with the Steadman Clinic in Vail. They probably don't see a lot of water skiing injuries. They do see a ton of snow ski injuries and lots of other athletes. If you can't find a Dr that understands slalom, find one that makes an effort to get athletes back to participating in their sport and one that does lots of surgeries for your issues. The better they are at it, the less intrusive they will be and you will heal quicker. They might also be more aggressive with therapy and your recovery.
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  • Baller

Personally I would talk to five or six , I had one that wanted to break my leg and re-arrange it so it wore on the outside of the joint, I then had four say they would not give me a knee replacement until I could not walk up the stairs, they also said the guy who wanted to break my leg was mad, then I met number six, he said he would give me a knee replacement if it meant I could carry on with my sport, during the consultation he pointed something on the MRI that none of the others had noticed, he said it was a gamble but a lesser operation might work, but No promises.

Three years later I am skiing well and no knee replacement as yet, sure I have to manage it but it's still working for me, bearing in mind I have no Meniscus, no Medial Cartilage and no Cartilage/Material on my Patella.


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  • Baller_
I had a meniscus tear in my right knee cleaned up in April, and was skiing 3 weeks later. Simple deal, just 3 little holes with stitches where they go in with the "obliterator" or "die-grinder" (if it was in my auto repair shop). Ortho guy is a soccer player, so he gets the need to recover and get back at whatever floats your boat asap so to speak. Since then my left knee has developed the same issue of tears getting aggravated ( 3 @ -38, my best score so far this season in July) so it's scheduled for the same treatment August 22. Should be skiing again to take @horton 's $$$ at the BOS Cash Prize at Bell Acqua #3 in September.
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Thank you all for your valuable feedback. I am definitely going to get a 2nd opinion. My ortho is very good but doesn’t have a detailed knowledge of slalom. Meanwhile, I am shopping for a brace. Looking at Don-Joys. Any suggestions for back knee with lateral meniscus tear?? Thanks!!
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  • Baller

Youre going to have some trouble identifying the mechanics of what a rear leg should be doing in slalom.


My thoughts would mostly be towards identifying ths instability in your knee. If it lacks instability you won't have a specific bracing modality to pursue. If your lateral miniscus is painful you could treat like lateral OA and unload it. Steadman clinic is quite involved with ossur bracing products but youd really want to start with physical assesment and maybe a PT who is good with mackenzie or similar techniques.

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  • Baller

I agree with @BraceMaker I used a brace it kept falling down my leg, in frustration I started to ski without it, the muscles around my knee got stronger, I now ski without a brace, I believe that long term use of a brace does prevent certain muscles working and it is not a good thing, gym work and continous use is.

Use it or Lose it.

Everybodies experience is different, sometimes it,s hard, you just have to keep at it.

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  • Baller
I have had 3 meniscus tears (to date) dating back to 2001. Each of them have been surgically repaired/trimmed. Still skiing strong today. Just get a good orthopedic surgeon that has an affinity for athletes and you will be good. A lot of times your can read their bios on whatever medical provider site they are affiliated with and see their history of education, clinical study, and residencies. Find one that has dealt with a sports team or organization.
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  • Baller

Agree with @LLUSA the Andrews institute is top of the line. Dr Andrews put my elbow back together years ago when I needed Tommy John Surgery.


If you live out west another physician to consider is Dr Vern Cooley in Park City. He works with all of the US Ski Team athletes who train in PC.

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  • Baller_
I was scoped and cleaned up in Jan. Prior to that I would be good for a few weeks but out of no where I would lock up and it would take a few days to settle down. That is now gone along with most of my meniscus. We will see how long it lasts.
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