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Did Nationals Happen?


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  • Baller

Nationals was fun and big this year. The America's Cup was great. It really made the vibe fun as lots of skiers skied Open to try to qualify. They could still ski age division so nobody had to give anything up. Some skiers got an extra ride but to see so much Open quality skiing made it very worth the extra boat gas. Brilliant!


The trick event was the star of the America's cup. It's not just me saying that. It was everybody! The skiing was unreal. More than that, the way the spray from the flips and big tricks swirled around was a spectacular light show! Night tricking!!!


The site needed a Jumbotron monster video screen. At night, the spectators would have been able to see a lot better on video than the dark. Show some replays - especially the jump crashes. Tricks was over in BFE and the worst spectator venue I've ever been to. Bring the judged clips over and show them on the Jumbotron and at least trickers would have felt a little connected to the rest of the tournament. Results would be displayed for everyone to know. And the sponsors could get logo time.


Congratulations to Mystic Lakes and everyone who helped make an excellent event.



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  • Baller

I didn’t get to spend quality time with @eleeski but I did spend a few minutes with @lpskier and @Horton. Also saw @lpskoer ski 1-1/2@38 for a solid score in his division!


I also spent 5 days of quality time with literally hundreds of old and new faces. Always great to see friends and catch up. They were long days and even long nights but a great Nationals and an amazing inaugural America’s Cup!! I appreciate being asked to be a part of both events!

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  • Baller

Waterskiing truely is a unique sport. I was drawn in during the 80’s and could watch tournaments at nights on TV. Drove 500 miles to spectate at US Open / Nationals. Fast forward 35 years and still a fan of the sport.

Several years ago drove the same 500 miles to take in California Pro-Am. Went by myself because all old skiing buddies have lost the fire. Spent 8 hours baking in Sacramento sun but loved the day.


Not many opportunities to cheer on the sport, so thanks to those on BOS that share. You might not know it but you are keeping us die hards on the vine.



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