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A Great Alternative to Kevlar Glove Liners for those who use them


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  • Baller

If you're like me and end up with callouses being ripped off your palms after a few weeks of water-skiing and need to use glove liners to help prevent this, I have some information you might be interested in. Previously, I was using those yellow kevlar glove liners you can get for cheap from a safety equipment store or pay about $20 a pair to get them from a ski shop with some water-ski glove company's logo silk-screened on them. I found they got a bit baggy and wore out/tore fairly fast.


This is what I now use and they are terrific: Ansell Hyflex 11-318 cut resistant glove liners. ansell.com/en/Brands/Hyflex/Metal-Fabrication/hyflex-11-318 These are Dyneema, not Kevlar. They're very thin, fairly abrasion resistant and fit skin tight so they're easy to get into tight water-ski gloves. They're also fairly inexpensive.


This is my first season using them and so far I can report that they work really well and are holding up great. By the looks of it so far, I think I'm going to get a number of seasons out of one pair. I just wanted other skiers who need to use liners to be made aware these gloves are out there and work very well for that purpose. If you're using Kevlar liners, I recommend you pick up a pair of these and give 'em a try.




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