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How do you ski more?


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  • Baller

At the age of 25, self employed and a nice ski site about an hour away I have been able to ski almost 100 sets this year. I am pleased, but would love to ski more. About once a week I get on google earth and search the area for bodies of water or potential bodies of water close by, but can’t seem to find any promising properties.

What have you guys done to be able to ski that one more set a week? Potentially, I should shut up and quit complaining, but I always leave the lake wanting one more set. Got me wondering if you guys had any great life hacks that allows more skiing.

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  • Baller
Proximity to the lake and climate (long season) are huge. But right up there is the amount of flexibility you have in your life. I have engineered my career to have flexible hours so I can squeeze in skiing (and other things) at its max. I live 80 miles from the lake, spend a lot of time with my kids, work a lot and ski +100 days and probably close to 200 sets (assuming I am not hurt).
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  • Baller

Being self-employed, no kids, young, etc. gives you a lot of flexibility. I'm assuming you can work remotely. If I were you I'd take a few months and do one of the following:


1. Rent a house in West Palm and ski at Okee every day for 3-6 months

2. Be a driver at Bennetts, Coble's, or any ski school for a season

3. Answer that ad from Eden ski lake and live there for a season


Or something like that. Some sort of total immersion where you can level up considerably. I really wish I had done something like that pre-kids/pre-career.



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  • Baller
I am not sure, as I need to do the same. Specifically more course skiing. Access to course is the issue for me. There is a lake that is close, I am self employed and could ski there, but the club price is pretty steep for me at this point in life. There were courses in public water also pretty close, but they did not get put in this year. Looking at finding the people that used to put those in and see if I can help.
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  • Baller

Sounds like I shouldn't complain a whole lot. I would like to be more involved with the sport, but have only been at it for 2 years now. I do live on a body of water and my ski partner and I are discussing on trying to put in a course next season. I am slightly hesitant, because I do not want to do more installing/uninstalling of a course than actual skiing.

It has been slightly discouraging. There are 5 ski sites within an hour of me, but only able to ski on 1. I have located 3 old gravel pits within 20 minutes of my house, but can't seem to track down the owners. That or they obviously own it on there own for the privacy, which is completely fair.


@sunvalleylaw I totally understand. Everyone I talk to, I offer to weed-eat their property, help set-up/tear down for events, and so on. It seems as if money isn't what anyone is after in this sport, I have gotten more positive feedback and made more friends when trying to help them maintain the ski site.


Heck, I have even talked to home builders and tried to get them to build the lake. So I can start a club. They can build homes on it for a mark up of their normal rate and everyone wins. I am trying to be a team player, but failing on all fronts.

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