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Ski Repair


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The insert thread is still good (I think). The problem is It spins when putting a screw in or out. I noticed when removing a screw the insert came with it. I took a allen wrench and threaded it back in. I stopped at this point because I figured if I started another screw in it I force it thru the bottom of the ski.
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  • Baller
I have repaired about a dozen or so inserts on Goodes in this manner. Another issue I have run into is when the screw threads strip out. If the insert is still secure, I just overtap the hole to a 10-32 (they are 8-32 from the factory).
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  • Baller

I have repaired many inserts on Goode skis. If the threads are striped, I repair it with helicoil thread insert. If it spins, (more common), I push the insert in and to the side ( in the foam) and continue the repair with a new insert. If you try to take it out you might overhaul the hole and you don’t want that. Usually there is epoxy residues on the inserts making it having a larger diameter than the hole. So you push it to the side, make some space in the foam, use epoxy putty to fill the void in the hole and before it hardens drill it and install a new insert with the use of a screw and a nut to lock against the insert.

The inserts I use are brass 8/32 oversized compared to other gr original ones. If done correctly it will last a lot longer than the original ones.

This is a picture of a repaired Rev few days ago.

Good luck!omi3rzbg69dp.jpeg


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  • Baller

Goode doesnt have any integrated mounting blocks for the inserts its just foam under the top layer of carbon so advise fill it with carbon or Fiberglass and epoxy resin and redrill. I tryed Bostik 2comp epoxy adhesive with (10 min set time) but that dint worked out for me but there are maybe other brand that do the job well, JB Weld Marine seems to be an good product. i like D3 skis inserts cos of the Insert W/ Flange arewoyz175yf.jpg


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