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Update Fin Whispering with a 2nd edition — Yes or No


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  • Baller



The first printing of Fin Whispering is nearly sold out and I’m trying to decide whether to do a second edition or not. Most of the general prep info would remain the same, but about 1/8th of the book would be rewritten to update concepts, procedures and formulae for binding and fin tuning—aka the important stuff.


It would be a lot of work and small runs of books are very expensive, so I’ll only go ahead with this if there seems to be enough demand. Your vote won’t be made public, and your help with this decision would be much appreciated. Many thanks for all your support to date.

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I would be especially interested if the new material talks more about speed, carry-out, direction holding, and other things that happen away from the turn. I'm increasingly becoming convinced that the effect on the ski across the wakes is even more important than in the turn. But I'm even more clueless about what does what for that portion.
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  • Baller
I'll buy a copy of the 2nd Edition in whatever format you choose. This will replace the 1st Edition that has migrated to a ski buddy's house along with my extra pair a calipers. He let's me borrow it anytime I want so I got that going for me. Amazon self publishing is an easy way to go for both paperback and/or Kindle digital.
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  • Baller

What @dhofert said. Make the new edition mostly new stuff.

Include a troubleshooting guide as @bbruzzese suggested.

And, what @Than_Bogan and @Booze said about some tips for better cross course performance to help set up the ski for casting out.

Tall order, good luck! :) :)

And, pictures.


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  • Baller

Thank you for all this feedback. Most of the wish list above is slated to be addressed in a future book that's currently in an advanced stage of outline. It will be all new, more concise, and will take a different approach to the subject altogether. But it's still thousands of hours away. It's been delayed for nearly two years now by ongoing research into a new fin design.


Meanwhile, the decision at hand isn't about the content or format for the existing book. It's about a simple update and reprint. There's still steady demand for the first book as word spreads beyond BallOfSpray, but it may not be enough to justify an economically sized printing order. That's why I'm asking how many of you would be interested in purchasing a second edition if ⅛ of the book is updated to include what I've learned over the past three years of research and tuning skis for a living.


And yes, there may be an electronic version later on.

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