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is this weird or awesome?


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  • Baller

I guess I'd say awesome picture with a bit of a scrunched up, getting after it face.


Skier is early, riding the ski well, handle is close.

Lighting and conditions look good, those "reflection in the water" pics are always cool.


I can't fairly judge others ski faces, mine aren’t pretty either.

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@RazorRoss3 this is not a conversation about the young ladies appearance or ski face.


I was sitting next to one of the top coaches in the world this year at a tournament watching Brook ski and I stated that I thought she was one of those technical skiers in the world. That coach who will will go unnamed looked at me like I was complete imbecile.


In my way of thinking the fact that she keeps her Center of mass so high and so far to the outside allows her to cast out super wide on the boat. To put it differently because the ski is on a path not much wider than the path of her Center of mass I would propose that this is a good thing. There is also the fact that her ski is not rolled over very far and is actually closer to flat on the water .


So I'm throwing out to you guys. is it a good thing or not?

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  • Baller

I was commenting that I think that is technically very good skiing. Some of the coaching that I try to carry with me through every set is that I should be "on top of my ski, with 2 hands on the handle, 20ft early of the ball" (coach will remain unnamed so they don't get pulled into this thread if they don't want to be). "on top of the ski" meaning my weight supported by the ski, not falling in, or back or what have you.


The body position she is coming into the buoy with is largely what I am trying to do. So I guess I would lean heavily to "awesome" and not at all to weird


I still think that the lighting for the picture happens to be good and that the pictures where the skier is reflected in the water are always cool


As an addendum, outside of the "skier face" which we all make, and mine is particularly bad, I was and am in no way trying to comment on the skiers appearance, objectifying our athletes is lacking in class and not good for the sport.

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@RazorRoss3 yea yeah we don't need to publicly discuss the personal appearance an 18 year old girl. I'll just say it's my fault for not being more specific about why I started the thread.


Please please please let the rest of this thread be about how she is standing on the ski.

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  • Baller

@igkya fairly short given apparent trajectory from the boat and she's going to go higher.


Great handle control, elbows tight, inside edge riding out-bound and up-bound with water breaking well ahead of the front binding, nice line tension, back leg less bent than front in that still-frame--center of mass forward, shoulders and head level, gaze down the buoy line, lotsa speed not much spray from the ski.


Pretty awesome. If that's wierd my next goal is to be wierd.

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  • Baller

I have seen Brooke at a couple tournaments this summer. I was super impressed with how early she gets width. Then, stands tall like a beanstalk with the handle pinned to her body. Handle usually down lower than this pic shows, arms about straight down.

So impressed, I tried that. I should have got video!

But, it helped me focus on handle control.


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  • Baller
I'm gonna call it different but apparently very effective. I've watched her ski on webcasts and noticed how long she keeps the handle in and standing vertical. Kinda looks like no real "pre turn." Just gets there really early, stands up and waits.
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  • Baller

Is this not pretty much where Nate stands on the ski, except his is more natural/relaxed looking?


Do you mind saying why "the coach who shall not be named" thought you were an imbecile? (In regard to this observation. Not in general)

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