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Cory Pickos


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those SLO's were the best , Patrice event pushed it to SL5B adding a Stepover on the last 180 , this looked pretty rad ... dunno why they decided to put a ban on 1 foot ski lines ... need to look if I have a video of Flip Stepover from when I had it put in the books !
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  • Baller

OK, Richelle needs to allow one footed stepover style SLO!


Cory has the most incredible mix of tricks. Flips, ski lines, pure spins and stepovers - all extremely difficult and impressive. His toes also mix blazing fast surface tricks, big wake tricks and huge toe steps. Wow!


He makes a good case for limiting flips as he showcases such trick diversity.


Patrice is incredible too. So smooth. I loved his toe fall - where he just bounced back up and kept going! Who needs a stinkin release!


Best posts ever @Horton !



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I think in the beginning everybody was doing 1 foot off and then as they learned the tricks they started doing with two feet on the ski and the one foot off stuff just mostly became obsolete.


@trickcoach does that sound right to you?

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  • Baller

As I pulled up the web page today I was thinking that the forums have been a little slow and boring lately. This stuff is really cool! This coming from a guy who used to only slalom. Trick skiing is fun.


A few years ago Horton would not have allowed this trick skiing smut on his website. Now he is promoting it.

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  • Baller
It is amazing how many tricks the high end trickers do in a pass. Particularly before they were doing flips. The hand passes of Corey & Patrice are amazing for the speed and smoothness of the tricks. The power in Nick's hand pass is crazy for the flips and ski line tricks.
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  • Baller

@Horton Regarding why nobody does stepover foot off style ski lines, AWSA rule 11.12 L "In ski line tricks, both feet must be on the ski". Stupid rule change with no reasonable justification that I heard of at the time it was changed. It made some really cool and fun tricks illegal. WLBB double step (SLBB by the old rules) was such a flash trick - as were all the stepover style ski lines.


More work for Richelle in repealing this?



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  • Baller
Back to Cory, one of the most amazing things I saw him do was at a Nationals in the ‘80s. Just before the start of Open tricks, I was walking with a guy who knew him pretty well and here comes Cory using his trick ski like a platter to hold this huge burrito he was munching on. He stopped to talk a minute, as he finished it, then said he’d better get going and a few minutes later won the event. A little different prep than I’d imagined...
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  • Baller

At about 0:14 into the 2nd Pickos video, he does a reverse toe wake O WRAP-IN. I'm not sure I've ever seen that before... I'm sure it wasn't long after that the TWLO was introduced: easier and far more points.

Judging by the shorts and maple leaf Mastercraft that segment is from the '79 world's in Toronto - first tournament I ever attended (spectator!)!

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  • Baller
I think tricks was my favourite event to watch (and participate in) back in the 80’s because the flip was the big wow at the end. Sort of like building up to the final hurrah as the time ticks away - quick get the flip in before times up! The LO tricks just looked amazing too, really athletic and probably harder that the flips of today. Crazy tho how much time was wasted taking your foot in and out of the RTP mid run! Now the’re all strapped in and have separate skis for each pass! I’d like to see a bit of a shake up in tricks as the flips are making it a little boring and clinical now..
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