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Need help choosing a ski


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Hey Ballers


I'm in the process of buying a new ski but am so confused atm


I live on a river in South Africa and only ski when the water is mirror like perfect. I still ski on an old Connelly Concept 68" (the one with the dual concave tunnels maybe 20years old :D) due to how limited and expensive skis are here. I have an opportunity to import a ski from the states but don't know what to go for.


My technique isn't nearly perfect seeing I never had coaching so I'm a bit of a cowboy (please don't judge me too harshly ). I have never skied on a course but I pretend I have a virtual course when I ski. I go one arm out, body stretched as far as I can around my invisible buoy trying to turn as hard and fast as I can without popping my tail. If my costume almost touches the water during a turn I mark that one as a success . To me it's about hard, sharp low turning (that's what I like) so I need a ski that would make this easier. I'm not going to ski course but I want to go as low, hard and fast as I can when I turn.


The Concept is slow, heavy and doesn't provide enough edge for grip. I have to use my back leg to dig the ski in otherwise it will pop it's tail to make the turns I want. This causes me to compensate with my body pulling on the rope to get myself out of that hole and finish the turn. I ski around 36mph on the Concept with a rope on 14m otherwise it feels I'm going to sink in my turn (cowboy style)


My only reference I have towards a better ski was a D3 Fusion of a stranger that I skied once. It was behind a boat with a bigger wake on a ski I wasn't familiar with and different bindings but I immediately felt comfortable with way more grip and room for improvement. I felt the grip was more below my front foot using the edge than at the back of my tail compared to the Concept. I still remember the feeling to this day and that was years ago.


So here is the question?

Which ski do I get?

D3 NRG R1 - Reason: Only reference I have of a good ski (Fusion experience) or is this an overkill

Vapor Lithium - Reason: Upper end ski but more affordable

Vapor Graphite - Reason: Upper end shape but softer core for a softer ride


Obviously I'm not going to win tournaments nor do I want too but I need a tool that I can go hard, sharp and low with. I would be so disappointed when the ski doesn't perform enough or it rides so hard/difficult/twitchy that you cant get enjoy it.


Your insights on this matter would be appreciated

Please note that I live in South Africa so I can't do demo programs, skis will cost me 3x more because of exchange rate and that it will be a once of purchase...no refunds :/


Thanks all




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