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  • Baller_

Batten the hatches! We are sandbagged and potential flying objects put away at home. I’m a bit more worried about our infrastructure at LaPoint Ski Park. Since we are technically a retention pond, our water level can be volatile in just a “normal” hard rain. With a foot of rain predicted we could be completely under water.


Maybe we should swap out our MC for an Ark By Noah, though when a couple of those boats are on the water it can be a real zoo...


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  • Baller

So annoying. Nothing flags a transplanted Yankee more than a hurricane. Comments like “unless it’s a category 3 don’t wake me up.” They get lucky in one hurricane and they think they’re a expert veteran. The worse storms I’ve ever experienced is a stalled tropical storm.


I predict the storm will approach Stuart then skirt up the coastline, quite possibly never making landfall. Our lake is FULL, I can’t imagine another 12”! In hurricane Irma I started measuring the rainfall after about 12 hours. I received 24” in the 24 hours I measured! Landfall or not I’ll have a mess, I have probably over 100 trees.

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  • Baller

Went through a Cat 5 in Hawaii back in 92. Winds clocked over 200 plus. Entire houses gone with just a foundation left. Not even wreckage left behind, swept clean. Some places didn't have electricity for 6 months.


The worst part was it was forecast to move well south of the islands heading west. We weren't even suppose to be in the rain bands. Woke up to sirens at 6am with a notice, "Evacuate the Island, it just turned due North." It would hit us in a few hours. Caught everybody off guard. Later looked out a window and saw a neighbors entire roof tumbling through the air. Glad our house was block concrete, the wooden ones were mostly gone. Cat 5's are nothing you want to be in, especially on an Island with nowhere to go.



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  • Baller
#Ed_Johnson, I moved from Kona to Aspen in 1991 after 25 years in Hawaii. So I missed Iniki, barely. Gusts hit 225mph. At least it was fairly fast moving. I can’t even imagine what will be left of the Bahamas with Dorian lingering over it as long as expected at Cat 5 strength.
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  • Baller

I guess I am really screwed up, but my priority is, "How long before I ski again."

Dorian is really messing up my Denali testing !!!


PS: Glass conditions the last 2 days and my 2 ski partners are to busy with Hurricane Prep. to ski. What is wrong with these Guy's ???



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